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Category Archives: General

Global Day for Darfur

Today is the Global Day for Darfur. If you don’t know why we need a day like today, educate yourself on it, please. It’s important. I’m not big on protests and marches for myself (though I think they’re good to have in general) so I

TGIF – Comment Highlights

The weekend is here, and that means I am having too much fun to blog! Instead, I’ll highlight some of the very interesting comments people have made in the past week or so. If you’re reading the posts but not the comments, you’re missing out

Monday Link Roundup

I meant to do this yesterday, sorry. Some posts and discussions you all might find interesting: On Ally Work, Rachel S has a very good post titled: Untangling Two Myths: Tragic Mulatto is a Myth and Race is Not Culture. The spring board is this

Feed Me

Anyone wondering where the LJ feed went?  It’s here: The folks at LJ said they merged angryblackwomyn with angryblackfeed, but don’t seem to have merged the folks who were reading the former into the latter.  At any rate, angryblackfeed points to the new blog

Bringing shame to the race since 1978

I’d just like to point out that for the search “black women that bring shame to the race” I am currently on the first page of hits. Same search on google usa has me in abut the same place, but Pam Noles is the

Connie Willis Wins Ninth Hugo, Sets Record

Connie Willis won her ninth Hugo at WorldCon last weekend. The novella, Inside Job, is available to read online. Go witness her genius. Back when I was an angry black little girl, I started reading science fiction magazines. Inside these magazines were advertisements for the

Comment Highlights

See, already posting too much today. Another thing I have wanted to do is point out certain comments that you might have missed (like I did with Wendy’s on the Pirates movie). I’ll try to consolidate these into one or two posts a week. In

The Rules Of Engagement

Since I moved this blog over to WordPress, I figured I’d revise and update The Rules Of Engagement to reflect current policies.  WordPress allows me to not only moderate comments, but to edit comments as well.  Moderation is only on for spam (a filter I

I’m Not Dead

Just incredibly busy. Every now an then real life intrudes and blogging is the first thing to go. Sorry about that! I’ll get back to regular posting soon. I’ll also deal with that weird person in the comments on the last post. Right now I’m

Ann Coulter, Talk to the Hand

Two things. 1. I’ve decided I’m going to start an internet fight with Ann Coulter. I plan on using the “White is Coming” PSP ad as the banner for it. Fitting, right? Stay tuned for action on this point in the near future. 2. I