I’m Not Dead
Just incredibly busy. Every now an then real life intrudes and blogging is the first thing to go. Sorry about that! I’ll get back to regular posting soon. I’ll also deal with that weird person in the comments on the last post. Right now I’m so frazzled his works make NO sense to me.
I’ll also deal with that weird person in the comments on the last post.
Which weird person? You appear to have a choice of a whitesecretlyblackwhite person “of African descent” or someone who knows the mind of the dead Dr King… you lucky, lucky, blogger. /irony
I hope your brain, and life, is de-frazzled forthwith. Your loyal readers will wait for you though so don’t push yourself to hard. :-)
I stumbled across your blog a couple of weeks ago and bookmarked it in hopes you come back. Please try to get back in the saddle, alright?–>