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Monthly Archives: February 2008

I see a Swift Boat sinking…

For the last few days I’ve been seeing a lot of spasming about Barack Obama having an easier time of things with reporters because sexism makes them go after Hillary Clinton. Which sounds great as long as you ignore quite a few elephants in the

The Strong Woman* & Emasculated Man

Posted by: Naamen Gobert Tilahun The nicknames are endless, bitch, ballbuster, battleaxe, ballcutter, … all of these are used in reference to a strong woman. When confronted with a woman who exudes strength the automatic reaction of some men is to fall into the whole

Blood Done Sign My Name

Review by transgressingengineer First off, thanks to ABW for the invite to blog over in her neck of the woods. I am a big fan of her blog and have been looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to her blog with a (hopefully) meaningful

Change or Die

Posted by: Karnythia Students march 7 miles to vote in Waller County Texas. I had a vague plan to write about the Democratic candidates and the idea of “In our lifetime” and what it means to women (of all races) as well as what it

Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees…

Posted by: Shark-Fu [digg=] In remembrance of those who lost their life due to the violent hatred of others. Strange Fruit was written by Lewis Allen and made famous by the fantabulous Billie Holliday. Breathe in…exhale…begin. Enough. Southern trees bear strange fruit. That’s right, I

Are Women or Blacks More Disadvantaged?

Posted by: Steven Barnes Recently, a question has been bandied about the airwaves and internet. Which causes more pain: Being black or being female? There is only one group who can answer that question, and I’m not a member. Only African-American women have personal experience