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Category Archives: ABW Meetups

NYC Meetup is Tomorrow

Quick reminder, our ABW NYC meetup is tomorrow afternoon from 4 – 7 at Society Coffee @ 2104 Frederick Douglass Blvd @ 114th. Everyone who can see this is invited and you’re welcome to bring friends.

The Second ABW NYC Meetup

I promised you a long time ago that we would have another NYC meetup for ABW readers and fans. Sorry it has taken me so long to set another up. As in my last post, layoffs, upheaval. People who went to the FaceBook page may

ABW NYC Meetup *This* Friday

Sorry if I confused folks last week making you think that I meant I wanted to meet for drinks last Friday.  I was just asking, in general, if there would be interest.  Looks like there is :)  So now let’s make it official: NYC folks,