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Category Archives: On the Internets

Fantasy, Reality, & ‘Ism’s

In the wake of the Fuck You Jim Butcher post a lot of the “It’s fantasy, don’t get offended” rhetoric is circulating again. Nothing new, but I’m a little perplexed by the argument that using real racial slurs (like Injun or Tar Baby) for fictional

Entertain us!!!

Brazilian fantasy action flick Besouro available to watch at this link If you need a reminder… the story goes… As essentially an action movie set in 1920s Bahia, and based on the life of a legendary capoeirista from Bahia who uses the power of Candomble

Race, Gender, and the Oppressive Public Gaze…

I’ve been struggling with writing this post for some time now. On the one hand there are things I feel need to be said about the treatment of Caster Semenya (especially in light of the news that she has been placed under a suicide watch),

Iran and American Imperialism

I haven’t said anything about the situation in Iran, mostly because I don’t feel qualified to speak about it. I’m watching it, though, following the Twitter feeds obsessively and learning as much as I can about Iran’s history. I’ve been finding fellow blogger Richard Jeffrey

Fiction for Fen

Three posts a day is.. not usual. So don’t freak out. But wanted to point to one more thing today.  My Fen of Color United offerings can be found here. I’m sure Karnythia and possibly miss Nojojojo will have something to point to in comments.

ABW and FaceBook, Round 2

So something weird happened to the first ABW FaceBook page. Not a clue, and I didn’t have the energy to worry about it at the time (layoffs, life upheavals, you know the drill).  A second ABW FaceBook page has is now live and is more