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Category Archives: On the TV

The Boycott – Still Viable?

I hope you’re all aware of the crap-u-drama that ABC aired yesterday and Sunday, The Path to 9/11. If you don’t know about it and the ensuing controversy, just plug that phraseinto Google and watch it light up. We accuse others of propaganda, but our

Angry About Rape

There’s an interesting discussion going on at Feminist SF Blog (which I’m now a contributor to) about Battlestar Gallactica and rape as a plot device. The post that generated this discussion is not about BG or Rape, and thus it has drifted a wee bit

Wednesday Links

The winners of the 2006 Black Weblog Awards were announced not too long ago. If you’re interested in what’s hot on the black blogosphere, you should check out the list of finalists and winners. Glad to see blackfolk won for best community! Speaking of, found

Sexism, Racism, Dogs.

Is my beloved Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, a sexist? Is he about to make me angry? Say it ain’t so! I took a weird set of turns getting here, so follow closely. NY Times Mark Derr writes an opinion piece about Milan and his dog/owner

Black Hair Etiquette Guide

The Angry Black Woman’s Guide to Hair Etiquette or Stop Touching My Hair, White People! I’ve noticed that my hair post from a few weeks ago gets the most hits from Google. I’ll throw my keyword analysis up here sometime to show you the kind

Why Ken Lay Is Not Like Martin Luther King

I read this today and nearly spit coffee on my keyboard: The Reverend Dr. Bill Lawson compared Lay with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus Christ, and said his name would eventually be cleared. “He was taken out of the world right

John McWhorter, What is Wrong With You?

Hey kids, remember John McWhorter, the shufflingest shuffler that ever shuffled? He’s still shuffling. blac(k)ademic caught him on CNN last month and… it wasn’t pretty: i turned on my television yesterday and came across your two hour talk on cnn, where you were promoting your

Why I’m Angry: Abeer Qasim Hamza

People ask me why I am so angry all of the time. Putting aside the fact that I don’t spend 24/7 angry, I tell them that I have plenty of reason to feel this way. Today’s reason? This post by blogger Y. Carrington. The short

Cultural Appropriation

I told you before that I’m a Science Fiction and Fantasy fan. I also write in that genre. You probably wouldn’t know me if I told you who I am. At any rate, last month I attended the WisCon Feminist Science Fiction convention, which is