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Tag Archives: social networking

Networking Socially

Just noticed that there are now over 900 people who “Like” the Angry Black Woman on Facebook. Hooray! And apparently we have over 1,200 followers on Twitter. Also yay! I have not yet counted who’s currently following on Tumblr. Anyway, now that we’ve had a

Being Social

As some of you have cottoned, the ABWs have found their way to Twitter. We’re tweeting under angryblackwomen because certain other names were taken by someone NOT us. I think we need to trademark or something. Right now tweets mainly consist of blog post alerts

ABW and FaceBook, Round 2

So something weird happened to the first ABW FaceBook page. Not a clue, and I didn’t have the energy to worry about it at the time (layoffs, life upheavals, you know the drill).  A second ABW FaceBook page has is now live and is more