Networking Socially
Just noticed that there are now over 900 people who “Like” the Angry Black Woman on Facebook. Hooray! And apparently we have over 1,200 followers on Twitter. Also yay! I have not yet counted who’s currently following on Tumblr. Anyway, now that we’ve had a few days of constant content and we’re getting the band back together, I think it’s time to take a poke at the social media strategy and discover what you, the readers, want.
I had a conversation with someone just yesterday about why they don’t like us using NetworkedBlogs for Facebook, and I’m currently searching for alternatives to auto-posting. Any suggestions, please offer. Any suggestions, comments, complaints, etc. about the Twitter feed or Facebook page in general, let me know!
Finally, since social networks are awesome, as are the people on them, I will say this: when the Facebook page hits 1,000 Likes, I’ll choose a random Like-er and send them a fun gift. When the Twitter follower number hits 1,500, I’ll do the same there. What will this gift be? Not sure. But I have some cool stuff just sitting around the house, so I’m sure I can come up with something ;)
Out of curiosity, why no love for NetworkedBlogs? I use it for my Facebook page, and haven’t had any issues or complaints. Also, going forth and “liking” you now (though I’m already subscribed via RSS, so I don’t know how much good it does you).
Thanks, Maureen (yes, that’s my Facebook link) ;-)
A reader on Facebook complained about the frame NB puts a post in, which is difficult to deal with when you’ve got an ad-blocker on. Personally, I would prefer something that didn’t put my site in a frame thing, anyway.