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All posts by karnythia

POC and the Politics of Medical Research

Poor, black families used as test subjects for sludge. This was done in the late 90’s. They didn’t tell any of the people in the study what exactly was meant by the term bio-solid, nor did they tell them of the potential health risks. I

What is this “protection” of which you speak?

“Sexual assaults are frequent, and frequently ignored, in the armed services.” I have this insane urge to email Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA)and say “Duh!” This is old old news, but every few years someone rediscovers the reality that rapists join the military and we get

How to lose a voter in two easy steps

Step 1: Throw rocks from inside your glass house… Clinton: Wright ‘would not have been my pastor’ Did I miss her distancing herself from Ferraro and Steinem after their comments? Because last I heard she was still very close to both of them. And their

The Gospel of Race in America

[youtube=] Just so I can be safe in addressing Obama’s speech on race in America that he gave this morning, I’ve posted the video for those that haven’t heard it yet. Since he gave the speech I’ve been checking out the reactions in various places

Do you know we can see you?

I’m tired of talking about racism. In feminism. In politics. In literature. In the media. In my daily life. But you know what? I don’t get the luxury of ignoring that it exists. No one of color gets to pretend that their skin color doesn’t

Racism in my feminism? You don’t say…

Hillary Clinton: Bow to the man, and take the vice presidency. Let our country heal. You will run in eight years and be unstoppable as a visionary world leader. You must pass through this filter first though: bow to the man. Now, I’ll bet reading

Co-opting pain for profit

I’m usually a political blogger in this space, but something has happened that aggravates me to no end and so I feel the need to share my anger with a wider audience. So, this woman writes a memoir about her life as a poor, half

Whatever happened to peace?

So theoretically tomorrow’s batch of primaries is make it or break it for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Leaving aside my preference for Obama I have to say I really hope this does wrap things up just so the infighting in the Democratic party can stop and

I see a Swift Boat sinking…

For the last few days I’ve been seeing a lot of spasming about Barack Obama having an easier time of things with reporters because sexism makes them go after Hillary Clinton. Which sounds great as long as you ignore quite a few elephants in the