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Tag Archives: 2008 Election

It’s Morning In America

Last night America elected its first black president.  We made history, as everyone still enjoys saying.  And I think we’ve earned the right to bask in the glow for a little bit. But listen, there’s still a lot to be done. First and foremost, it

Election Day 2008

I voted. Have you? No matter who you’re voting for, it’s important to vote. Exercise your right. Open Thread on election stuff! In the comments you can post any election news, let us know what it’s like for you locally, or share an election story.

It Begins…

It’s Iowa Caucus day. The first vote of the primary season for the 2008 election. The first indication of what’s to come. Though I am interested in politics, I must admit I am damn tired of this business already. However, I am glad that some

Political Monday

A few weeks ago I went to a Barak Obama rally for the first time. I am not a rally person by nature. Standing in line for hours to then stand around with some other people and, eventually, be crushed by those around me is