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Category Archives: Politics

9/11 Didn’t Change A Thing

This is the same post I wrote for 9/11 last year. This year I find I have not much more to say, so I’m reposting it. There’s a 9/11 story that I heard once and never forgot. It’s anecdotal and may even be completely made

Labor Day

Enjoy your day off, Laborers. I am spending the day laboring. No holidays for freelancers who are trying to figure out how to make $500 fast, unfortunately. I was going to post about the Jenna 6 today, but that’s still in the works. Tomorrow, certainly.

What the hell is wrong with i-D Magazine?

You’ve all seen American Apparel ads, haven’t you? The ones with the skimpy girls lolling about because they haven’t eaten in days and expended the last of their energy shaving their pits and pubes? The company owned by the guy with questionable morals and crappy

International Blog Against Racism Week – Ask the ABW

[digg=]It’s that time again, kids! IBARW. I’m against racism, obviously. And, I have a blog. It’s a perfect match! This is the second annual such week, and let’s hope it continues until racism is, well, gone. I participated last year and that post is still