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Category Archives: Political Monday

Political Apathy: Don’t Have It

Since it’s 4th of July weekend, I thought I should post something vaguely patriotic. However, since I share very similar feelings on this issue as my friend Cat, I’ll have to skip the flag waving and talk about another America-centric issue close to my heart,

Government Run Healthcare….A Scary Story

So I went to VA1 this morning. Now I had no appointment (my pain only became unmanageable in the last week) so I had to go through the walk-in clinic. My preferred clinic is Women Health and their walk in hours are only on Mondays

Liveblogging Election Day

Anyone who reads this blog is well aware of how important tomorrow is.  Though I have a day job, I suspect I’ll spend most of the day and night looking at election coverage and the growing clusterfuck that is mismanaged polling places.  I’ll update the

Racism in my feminism? You don’t say…

Hillary Clinton: Bow to the man, and take the vice presidency. Let our country heal. You will run in eight years and be unstoppable as a visionary world leader. You must pass through this filter first though: bow to the man. Now, I’ll bet reading

Whatever happened to peace?

So theoretically tomorrow’s batch of primaries is make it or break it for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Leaving aside my preference for Obama I have to say I really hope this does wrap things up just so the infighting in the Democratic party can stop and

Political Monday: We Are In A Historical Moment

I’ve tried to write this post so many times, but mainly it just comes out boring and wrong-sounding. Still, I feel the need to remark on something. Barack Obama won the South Carolina primary. Before that he won the Iowa caucus. Hilary Clinton won New

Political Monday Debate – Barack vs. Hillary

I know it’s Tuesday, but I was away yesterday and I would really like to have this Political Monday/Monday Debate this week, so we’ll pretend it’s Monday here on the ABW. After all, according to recent commenters we are all retards, anyway. [sidenote – yes,