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Monthly Archives: September 2009

Race, Terminology, and Self-Identification

So there’s this letter in today’s Dear Abby about the way President Obama is referred to by black Americans/self-identifies as a black man. And it contains an argument I’ve heard before about the white “half” and so I feel compelled to point out a few

The BINGO Project

I’ve had a little project in mind for a few weeks but I’ll need some help bringing it to fruition. As many of you know, when engaging in discussions about contentious topics such as race, gender, politics, oppression, etc., there are always clueless and/or privileged

American Women Athletes Part Three: Trans women edition

First thing we need to do is define the word Transgender Transgriot as usual leads offTransgender Athletes Get Into The Game So as a transgender sports fan I was pleased to hear about the International Olympic Committee’s decision to allow transgender athletes to participate in