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Monthly Archives: August 2006

Comment Highlights

See, already posting too much today. Another thing I have wanted to do is point out certain comments that you might have missed (like I did with Wendy’s on the Pirates movie). I’ll try to consolidate these into one or two posts a week. In

The Rules Of Engagement

Since I moved this blog over to WordPress, I figured I’d revise and update The Rules Of Engagement to reflect current policies.  WordPress allows me to not only moderate comments, but to edit comments as well.  Moderation is only on for spam (a filter I

Wednesday Link Extravaganza

Many times I come across articles or discussions that i’d like to point to, but don’t want to clutter up the blog with one every five minutes. Instead, I’m going to do twice-weekly link roundups. If I find I need to, it’ll be daily (say

I’m Not Dead

Just incredibly busy. Every now an then real life intrudes and blogging is the first thing to go. Sorry about that! I’ll get back to regular posting soon. I’ll also deal with that weird person in the comments on the last post. Right now I’m