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Monthly Archives: April 2012

I Got Your Book: This Time, It’s LITERARY

Two new anthologies prominently featuring authors of color are fundraising RIGHT NOW!!! A review of Kingdom of Gods A review of this month’s Stone Telling On why multiculturalism is just good writing.  Hooray for Tayari Jones — reader demands have made her first two books once again available! Annnnnnnnnd here’s Kindred…. as a radio

I Got Your Book: Into the Wise Dark

Let’s begin with some links: Hooray for Linda Addison, whose How to Recognize a Demon Has Become Your Friend received a Bram Stoker Award from the World Horror Association! The ToC for Steampunk Revolutions! More discussion of Hunger Games (the last link is to a review that focuses on the movie from an indigenous, social justice oriented perspective)

The Power of Performance

I received the email below this afternoon, and am re-posting it with permission from Dr. McCune. In it, he emphasizes that activism surrounding Trayvon Martin’s murder must not be conflated with misogyny.  ——————— On Wednesday, The Department of Women’s Studies and American Studies–along with African-American