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Category Archives: Fantasy & Science Fiction

Entertain us!!!

Brazilian fantasy action flick Besouro available to watch at this link If you need a reminder… the story goes… As essentially an action movie set in 1920s Bahia, and based on the life of a legendary capoeirista from Bahia who uses the power of Candomble

An Open Letter to Eric Kripke

ETA: As there seems to be some confusion, Alaya Dawn Johnson is NOT the Angry Black Woman. She is a guest blogger. The following open letter to Eric Kripke contains spoilers for all currently-aired seasons of Supernatural (though nothing about season five). It also includes

The Bechdel Test and Race in Popular Fiction

It occurred to me, after reading this excellent post on women in fiction and the Bechdel Test, that perhaps you could construct one to address issues of POC and race. The analog seemed obvious, so I just wrote  it out. 1. It has to have

Gatefail! I knew this was coming

I don’t know how I missed this, but HardcoreNerdity has a wonderful (and long) post summing up Gatefail 2009. For those unaware, there have been some shady and problematic things afoot in the not-yet-aired new Stargate show Stargate: Universe. This particular fail combines several issues:

2009 Hugo and Campbell Award Winning POC

Last night at the World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon) the Hugo Award ceremony took place. Usually I am not all that excited about the Hugos because there usually aren’t any works of fiction or drama or magazines or editors or people that interest me on

SF/F Artists of Color

Speaking of the CBS blog, I’d love it if people headed over to this entry about artists of color in the genre and added links to your favorites. If you’re an artist yourself, please also comment. Right now there are only two comments, which makes