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Category Archives: Angry at the Police

Black in America

  I could be Rekia Boyd. Easily. I can’t tell you how many warm nights have included me hanging out in the park with friends. Just shooting the shit you know? Have we been loud? Probably. But there’s a reason it was an off duty

Life Lessons

Had a conversation with kid #1 (12 years old), about how to handle himself if he’s been stopped by the cops, or someone like Zimmerman. Somewhere in the middle of explaining how to protect his head & neck if a cop decided to kick his

RIP Troy Davis Time of death 11:08pm

I have a lot of black men in my life that I love. My husband, my sons, my nephews, my friends…I’m crying right now so this may be scattered. Any of the men I love could be Troy Davis. My husband’s first brush with the

linkspam: Why didn’t you call the police? Part One

TRIGGER WARNING NO VICTIM BLAMING IN THE COMMENTS OR YOU WILL BE BANNED. WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE. AND MALICE AFORETHOUGHT. I HAVE. NO. PATIENCE. PERIOD. you have been warned. Because you cannot trust them. No really. Of course, not all of them do that. But how

Linkspam : Short and Sweet

There is an astonishing amount to read at these links, so there won’t be a lot: Blogging against Disabilism Day 2010 Just read everything. No really. Read everything. And then the BP Spill pulls up news about how Western thirst for oil plays out in

No comment necessary.

I don’t have much time to analyze this, but I don’t really need to, because WHAT THE FUCKING FUCKITTY FUCK pretty much suffices: Harvard Professor Gates Arrested at Cambridge Home Friends of Gates said he was already in his home when police arrived. He showed