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Monthly Archives: November 2008

Black Is The New Doctor

This may all come to nothing, but it’s being widely reported that Patterson Joseph has been asked to play the lead in Doctor Who and he’s either thinking hard or has accepted the role. For those of you who don’t know Doctor Who, it’s an


Last year on the anniversary of 9/11 I was listening to NPR’s Morning Edition and their coverage of the memorial stuff going on at the WTC site.  I was struck by the structure of the ceremony — there wasn’t just the reading of the names,

It’s Morning In America

Last night America elected its first black president.  We made history, as everyone still enjoys saying.  And I think we’ve earned the right to bask in the glow for a little bit. But listen, there’s still a lot to be done. First and foremost, it


He swept straight past McCain to victory. I am laying on my floor trying to catch my breath. Because this happened in my lifetime. And I cannot believe that I got to see this day.

Election Day 2008

I voted. Have you? No matter who you’re voting for, it’s important to vote. Exercise your right. Open Thread on election stuff! In the comments you can post any election news, let us know what it’s like for you locally, or share an election story.

Liveblogging Election Day

Anyone who reads this blog is well aware of how important tomorrow is.  Though I have a day job, I suspect I’ll spend most of the day and night looking at election coverage and the growing clusterfuck that is mismanaged polling places.  I’ll update the