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Category Archives: Administrative Stuff

Time To Get Back To Work

It has been a very long time since I posted on this blog. A long time since any of us have, but for me it’s been years. There were many reasons for this, and someday I’ll go into it. Right now, though, there’s work to do. Tomorrow

When Trolls Think They’re Slick

So yesterday while I was moderating comments and I came upon one that started like this: “As you can tell by my name I am a black man…” The name on the comment was Tyrell. My first thought? Tyrell doesn’t sound like a real name,

Networking Socially

Just noticed that there are now over 900 people who “Like” the Angry Black Woman on Facebook. Hooray! And apparently we have over 1,200 followers on Twitter. Also yay! I have not yet counted who’s currently following on Tumblr. Anyway, now that we’ve had a

More Housekeeping Ahead

This weekend I finally, finally got around to creating new headers for the blog. Overdue for well over a year, I know. There are four that will rotate randomly. Check the footer for information on the artist. I’m doing a bit of spring cleaning as

ABW Is Now Mobile Friendly

Just a quick note to let our lovely readers know that I made the blog more smart phone friendly today. I installed a simple plugin that will detect what kind of browser you’re accessing the site with and serve a paired-down mobile version if you’re

Stupid Hackers

Late last week my ISPs server got hit by a hacker. I don’t think any of my sites in particular were compromised by the hack, but in order to protect everyone on our server, the ISP restored everything from a backup instead of trying to

Ads on the ABW

Part of my commitment to stop ignoring my poor blog and get on livening things up around here is a reassessment of some design aspects of the blog, including ads. Currently there are three places I’d marked for ads: the top left, lower down on the right,

What Blogs Should I Read?

Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t been around much, lately. Life stuff, work stuff, you know the drill. But this weekend at the WisCon feminist SF convention I and the other Angry Black Women promised unusualmusic that we would return from our

so long, and thanks!

As I am about to embark on my Great West Coast Adventure (starting with a three day cross-country train to Vancouver, would you believe it), I must bid farewell to the ABW. It’s been an educational experience, to say the least. I don’t know if