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Category Archives: Administrative Stuff

Theme Test Run: Twenty-Eight Thirteen

ETA: Thanks for your comments, everyone! They are much appreciated. If you’d like to see what the blog looked like with the Twenty-Eight Thirteen theme, see this screenshot. You can still comment on this theme if you like, but to comment on the theme currently

Theme Test Run: Andreas

ETA: Thanks for your comments, everyone! They are much appreciated. If you’d like to see what the blog looked like with the Andreas theme, see this screenshot. You can still comment on this theme if you like, but to comment on the theme currently in

A New Look for the Blog

For a while now I’ve been pondering a new look for ABW. While I mostly like the current theme, it has a few drawbacks. The problem is that doesn’t have many themes to choose from and, of the ones I like, each has one

The sudden infusion of assholes

The Why is the Universe so Full of White People post was submitted, randomly, to reddit. (the comments there are pretty scary) Suddenly there are a ton of comments on the post. And, big surprise, many of them are from the ignorati. So, just in

Two completely unrelated things

First thing. You may have noticed there’s a new box on the right announcing the ABW store. I put a few shirts up and a mug since I’d had some interest from folks. Particularly for the hair ones. It’s a Zazzle store, not CafePress, because

My Header

Since I moved to WordPress and designed my own header, I’ve had several comments on it. Some people object to the image in the left corner — the black woman forcing the white woman into a position of submission. A few don’t like my South