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Category Archives: Why I’m Angry

What Rachel Moss Did

This past weekend I was in Wisconsin for the WisCon convention. I have a lot of posts to write about that, including some ruminations on panels and some stuff about POC at WisCon. But this post is about something that happened during the convention that

Nothing Says Internet Popularity Like

Being linked to from a White Supremacist website. Happy Monday! ETA: Wow, if you all could see my moderation queue right now. This is the kind of thing that makes people leave the Internet. It really is. I went through a good chunk of my

Why I Don’t Like To Admit That I Support Obama

Posted by: Naamen Gobert Tilahun It’s because I’m black. See when I admit that I support Obama, people (mostly white) get this look on their face and that’s the end the conversation. They don’t ask why, they don’t start a dialogue, there’s just this look.

Again, Why I’m Angry

Benazir Bhutto assassinated Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated Thursday in the wake of a suicide bombing that killed at least 14 of her supporters, doctors, a spokesman for her party and other officials said. Bhutto suffered bullet wounds in the aftermath of

Irrational Men

Recently a friend of mine, writer Jay Lake, pointed to this article: Saudi Rape Victim Gets 200 Lashes A Saudi court sentenced a woman who had been gang raped to six months in jail and 200 lashes – more than doubling her initial penalty for

What I Might Do If I Got Really Angry

So every now and then we get some semi-hard core trolls around here who decide to make annoying and stupid posts on every post they come across starting on the front page and going backwards. Or sometimes they start out in one particular conversation and

Why I’m Angry – Billy Ray Johnson

I mentioned this in yesterday’s post, but I wanted to make a point of mentioning it again. People ask why I’m angry. This is why I’m angry: Colt, who had been a pitcher at Linden-Kildare High School, took a swing at Billy Ray, hitting him

The drawbacks of being famous

Like I said last week, it’s kind of fun when I’m linked to as an authority on ‘black stuff’ like gratuitous hair petting and whatnot. But all this fame comes at a price. I might also be linked to by a bunch of unabashedly racist