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Category Archives: Why I’m Angry

linkspam: Why didn’t you call the police? Part One

TRIGGER WARNING NO VICTIM BLAMING IN THE COMMENTS OR YOU WILL BE BANNED. WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE. AND MALICE AFORETHOUGHT. I HAVE. NO. PATIENCE. PERIOD. you have been warned. Because you cannot trust them. No really. Of course, not all of them do that. But how

Pearl Clutching and Urban Planning

Walk in My Shoes: Surviving the walk to school. You know I understand the whole “If it bleeds it leads” concept of journalism. Really I do. But, we live on the South Side of Chicago too. I grew up here and all those sunny park

Hello Jim Crow!

Apparently, not only is Jim Crow alive and well, he isn’t even pretending to be hidden any more. What makes me say that? Well let’s start with a curious incident in Philadelphia. Seem a day camp paid for their kids to be able to swim

My goodness

Tempest said introduce myself.  Maybe you already know me.  Or maybe you think you do?  Or maybe not. I write, and I’ve been writing for decades.  I’m really, really old.  Always have been, ever since I was born. My earliest memories are of outrage– I’m