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Category Archives: On the Radio

Race, Gender, and the Oppressive Public Gaze…

I’ve been struggling with writing this post for some time now. On the one hand there are things I feel need to be said about the treatment of Caster Semenya (especially in light of the news that she has been placed under a suicide watch),

Another News & Notes Roundtable

Quick heads up that I was on the blogger’s roundtable for News & Notes yesterday.  We didn’t get a chance to talk about the BlackBird browser, but we did talk about shoe throwing, weight gain, and smoking presidents (elect).

NPR Cancels News & Notes

The economic crisis is affecting NPR, naturally, and one of their responses has been to cancel two of their shows, News & Notes included.  I believe the story is that the show doesn’t bring in enough money in donations and has low ratings. I would

News & Notes Monday

I’m going to be on NPR’s News & Notes again Monday as part of the blogger’s roundtable.  One of the things we’re going to discuss is the incident Nora mentioned in the previous post. I’ll try to keep the disgust from my voice. Also: I’m

On News & Notes Again Today

Hey everyone, sorry for the silence on my part.  I’ve been dealing with a lot of stuff in life (including settling in to my new fabulous job!) so I haven’t had the time to post what with the whirlwind.  Things are calming down now and

Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees…

Posted by: Shark-Fu [digg=] In remembrance of those who lost their life due to the violent hatred of others. Strange Fruit was written by Lewis Allen and made famous by the fantabulous Billie Holliday. Breathe in…exhale…begin. Enough. Southern trees bear strange fruit. That’s right, I

Radio Daze

I’m very much enjoying the discussion about feminism in the previous post, so I’m reluctant to start a new topic (and I still haven’t finished my essays on the subject).  Instead, I will mention that I was on the News & Notes Blogger Roundtable again