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Monthly Archives: July 2009

SF/F Artists of Color

Speaking of the CBS blog, I’d love it if people headed over to this entry about artists of color in the genre and added links to your favorites. If you’re an artist yourself, please also comment. Right now there are only two comments, which makes

Get back, get back, get back

By now, you’ve probably heard all about the dust-up surrounding Justine Larbalestier’s latest novel, Liar. If you haven’t, you can start with Justine’s big post on the subject, and follow that up with this Publishers Weekly article, in which Bloomsbury has some very fascinating things

The Thing Not Being Said

…about all this “birther” crap, in which fine upstanding folk who are legitimate natural-born citizens of this fine country (the US of A, because we’re all from it or want to be from it, of course) incessantly and illogically question the fact that our president