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Monthly Archives: May 2009

Ordinary Heroes

Heard about this through the Carl Brandon mailing list: While the facts surrounding the kidnapping and rescue of the Maersk Alabama Captain Richard Phillips have been widely reported, less well-known is that ship which saved him was commanded by a black woman, Rear Admiral Michelle

It’s Sotomayor!

Obama has picked Sonia Sotomayor as the next Supreme Court nominee! …But already the bullshit begins: “Judge Sotomayor is a liberal activist of the first order who thinks her own personal political agenda is more important than the law as written,” said Wendy E. Long,

Fiction for Fen

Three posts a day is.. not usual. So don’t freak out. But wanted to point to one more thing today.  My Fen of Color United offerings can be found here. I’m sure Karnythia and possibly miss Nojojojo will have something to point to in comments.

The Second ABW NYC Meetup

I promised you a long time ago that we would have another NYC meetup for ABW readers and fans. Sorry it has taken me so long to set another up. As in my last post, layoffs, upheaval. People who went to the FaceBook page may

ABW and FaceBook, Round 2

So something weird happened to the first ABW FaceBook page. Not a clue, and I didn’t have the energy to worry about it at the time (layoffs, life upheavals, you know the drill).  A second ABW FaceBook page has is now live and is more

Fen Of Color United

So, Neo_Prodigy over at Live Journal has hatched a plan for a protest of all the Fail that has been Race in Sci-Fi discussions lately. I think his idea is genius. What is it? As RaceFail 09 continues, it has become clear that there are

Original ABWs: Nina Simone

Note from nojojojo: One of the reasons I write for ABW is to get in touch with my inner angry black woman. This is because I’m not very angry outwardly — having grown up mostly in the South and being naturally mild-mannered, it takes a

Of Movements, Rights, and Big Mouthed Allies

So there’s been major issues over on LiveJournal about conservative political ads (as well as some with other objectionable content) appearing on the pages of people who are not exactly the target market. And the ads are indeed offensive, but they are also an indication

I would make a terrible superhero girlfriend.

Why? Because I’d be all over killing the bad guy. Not to mention not being willing to play the victim who gets held hostage or dropped off buildings or whatever. In fact as fantasy/horror/romance books go I’d make a terrible damsel in distress period. Because