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Category Archives: Media

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Last week I took my life into my own hands, got on a plane, and went all the way to California to attend the World Science Fiction Convention, known to those in the know as WorldCon. I’ve mentioned before that I’m an SF/F fan and

How to Suppress Discussions of Racism

The brilliant LJer coffeeandink authord a brilliant article called “How to Suppress Discussions of Racism” in the tradition of How to Suppress Women’s Writing (which you should also read). Tired of discussions of racism in literature, television, and film? Worn out from the unexpected criticism

Cannibals of the Caribbean

There are spoilers for the new Pirates movie in this post. I warned you. There’s been some talk around the blogosphere about a section of the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Specifically, the part where Jack Sparrow and the crew are captured by some

Why Ken Lay Is Not Like Martin Luther King

I read this today and nearly spit coffee on my keyboard: The Reverend Dr. Bill Lawson compared Lay with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus Christ, and said his name would eventually be cleared. “He was taken out of the world right

Ann Coulter, Talk to the Hand

Two things. 1. I’ve decided I’m going to start an internet fight with Ann Coulter. I plan on using the “White is Coming” PSP ad as the banner for it. Fitting, right? Stay tuned for action on this point in the near future. 2. I

John McWhorter, What is Wrong With You?

Hey kids, remember John McWhorter, the shufflingest shuffler that ever shuffled? He’s still shuffling. blac(k)ademic caught him on CNN last month and… it wasn’t pretty: i turned on my television yesterday and came across your two hour talk on cnn, where you were promoting your

Presented Without Comment

An ad from the Netherlands: (click to enlarge) Consider this an open thread. Found via blackfolks. ETA: I said I wouldn’t comment, but I lied. Someone pointed me to this article, which elicited this response: Sony is being disingenuous about the message their ad for

Why I’m Angry: Abeer Qasim Hamza

People ask me why I am so angry all of the time. Putting aside the fact that I don’t spend 24/7 angry, I tell them that I have plenty of reason to feel this way. Today’s reason? This post by blogger Y. Carrington. The short

Dear James Dobson

No, no, and no. Not only is this a bunch of bullshit, but you just violated Tubman’s Law. So where does the issue go from here? Time will tell. It took William Wilberforce more than 30 years to bring about an end to Britain’s slave

Cultural Appropriation

I told you before that I’m a Science Fiction and Fantasy fan. I also write in that genre. You probably wouldn’t know me if I told you who I am. At any rate, last month I attended the WisCon Feminist Science Fiction convention, which is