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Category Archives: On the TV

Dear Black People: Stop Embarrassing Me

Though this website is mostly a people of color positive zone, every now and then I feel the need to vent a bit about my own people. It generally happens when I want black people to stop freaking embarrassing me! First up, hip hop artist

Media, Woe

Over on RaceWire, Jonathan Adams posted the casting call for Beyonce’s new AMEX commercial. It’s worth reproducing here in full: Seeking, Principles: [BEYONCE’S ASSISTANT ] Female / Caucasian / 30-34 Real people types. Non commercial. She is smart, sharp and efficient. Rate: Sag Scale [

9/11 Didn’t Change A Thing

This is the same post I wrote for 9/11 last year. This year I find I have not much more to say, so I’m reposting it. There’s a 9/11 story that I heard once and never forgot. It’s anecdotal and may even be completely made

ABW’s TV Corner: The Closer

Someone asked last week if there were any shows I felt did well on the gender or race front. Though they are few and far between, some exist. One of them is TNT’s The Closer, which I just love to watch. Unfortunately (or perhaps this

ABW’s TV Corner – Heroes

Someone requested a post on Heroes and I had planned to do one way back at the season finale, just never got around to it. I am very excited about season 2 and hope that it’s even better than season 1. Though S1 was great,

ABW’s TV Corner – Eureka

So yesterday I watched Tuesday’s episode of Eureka and, I have to say, it was an example of some of the worst writing I’ve ever seen on that show. Normally I can forgive some meh dialogue and a plot point that doesn’t quite work for

TV Week on the blog

I have a bunch of posts that I wanted to write about TV shows and race and gender and I had this silly idea of spreading them out over the summer as I completed them.  This pipe dream did not come true.  And since the