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Category Archives: Bigotry & Prejudice

Why Young Muslim Men are Angry

A couple of weekends ago I was watching CNN’s new show called CNN: Special Investigations Unit. It seems like any other special report they do, but somehow it’s different and special now. Good thing they chose my girl Christiane Amanpour to do the first one,

The Words of Dr. King

My nod to MLK day. here are some words from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., both real and fictional. The first is what he really did say (well, write) from a jail in Birmingham over 40 years ago. The second bit on the bottom is

Torture – Why Are You Surprised?

(crossposted to my dairy over at DailyKos, which has some… interesting reactions.)  The political blogs are all over this whole torture thing and shrub’s hissy fit in the Rose Garden. I am watching the debate from way, way back because I don’t see any good

Monday Debate : What is Racism?

My new idea for getting other people to say interesting things on my blog: Monday Debate. This is where I invite folks to come in, sit a spell, and have a discussion on a contentious topic. The main reason for doing so is to try

The Blog Police

I’m one of the Blog Police, apparently. Violet, in the final nyea-nyea comment on The Difference Between Racism and Sexism surmises that all the people coming over to disagree with her must just be friends of Shannon and all have a history of going around

Wednesday Links

The winners of the 2006 Black Weblog Awards were announced not too long ago. If you’re interested in what’s hot on the black blogosphere, you should check out the list of finalists and winners. Glad to see blackfolk won for best community! Speaking of, found

Sexism, Racism, Dogs.

Is my beloved Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, a sexist? Is he about to make me angry? Say it ain’t so! I took a weird set of turns getting here, so follow closely. NY Times Mark Derr writes an opinion piece about Milan and his dog/owner