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Black People doing Black Things

Many people who read this blog know me only as the Angry Black Woman or ABW. Some know the name I go by in SF circles. Some of you even know my ‘real’ name. (scary) I say somewhere on this site that I go by ABW and not my other names because I separate my blog-self into many distinct parts. Those who care about my SF writing read my LJ, and those who only care about my rants against The Man come here. However, sometimes my angry black side collides with my SF writer side.

The other day I realized that two of the three stories I’ve had published in the past 12 months have black protagonists. And yet they’re not in stories about ‘being black’. So, if you’re interested in reading such things, I’ll provide book titles and snippets. You can determine my name on your own.

from Thou Shalt Not… (horror anthology)

Clia stood before the large, oval mirror in her room and stared at the reflection. Bone-straight hair–long, shiny and black–a heart-shaped face, perfect button nose, sensual mouth, and wide green eyes. The skin held no blemish and no imperfection–not too dark, but not too light. An elegant neck; firm, round breasts; smooth, flat stomach; curvy hips; long, muscular legs tapering toward the floor and ending at the bottom of the mirror.

“Yes, this is what I want,” Clia said. Her mouth moved. The reflection’s did not.

Are you ready to gather what I need?

“Yes. It’ll take a few days, though.”

I have nothing but time. The reflection shimmered away, replaced by an image of what Clia looked like in every other mirror.

She did not often look at mirrors.

from Interfictions

As a child Brenna had desperately wanted a brother. She would try to adopt the neighborhood boys into her family. She would try to walk away with babies at the mall. Other girls her age had crushes and pretend boyfriends. Brenna had pretend big brothers.

When she was nine Brenna’s mother told her that she was a twin. She had had a brother in the womb with her and on the ultrasound pictures she seemed to be hugging him. But in the eighth month only one of their hearts was beating. They were delivered by emergency C-section. Brenna held on to her brother until the end–he was born first, though born dead.

Her parents had named him Benjamin. When she was twelve, her mother finally took her to see his grave. Beloved Son and Brother. After that, the thought of a brother only made her incredibly sad. She no longer wished for one. She pushed it out of her mind and forgot about it entirely. Until now.

Have at.

5 thoughts on “Black People doing Black Things”

  1. Dani says:

    Do you listen to Escape Pod? You ought to get some of your work read- these snippets are great!


  2. the angry black woman says:

    I’ve submitted to them before, but always got a rejection. I may send them the mirror story, though, since I think I can now.

  3. celticlibrarian says:

    Found your site through Caveat Lector. Out of curiousity I clicked on it and read a bit. These two snippets are very well written and pull me in. I’m quite curious to read the full stories, so thanks for turning me on to new writing!

  4. the angry black woman says:

    celticlibrarian – I’m very flattered, thank you! If you do get a chance to read either story I hope you enjoy it/them.

  5. Paul Jessup says:

    I’ve been reading most of your blog today, and must admit I’m very impressed. When I open up GrendelSong for submissions again, I plan on using some terminology that you suggested to try and bring in more diversity. Right now it is genderly diverse (60% female, 40% male) but not racially, and I hope to rectify that.

    I must grab interfictions now. That story excerpt almost made me cry. I have to read it. What a lovely, frighteningly sad image. Where can I read more of your writing?

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