Politicians Are Stupid and Racist – Early April Edition
More of a link roundup than anything else. I don’t have much to say about these news items beyond the title of this post.
Karl Rove Raps
There are few things more pathetic than old white men rapping, dancing, and aping ‘ghetto’ black people. One of the things that is more pathetic: old black men who join in.
Newt Gingrich calls Spanish the “Language of the Ghetto”
What the hell does Newt know about the ghetto, anyway?
Also, if Spanish is the language of the ghetto, then English must be the language of hypocritical adulterous windbags. I’m going to learn Italian.
OMG. Why are people still interviewing Newt Gingrich?
Spanish is a fine European language belonging to a proud people with a developed and fascinating culture, boasting streets where women walk alone at night without any fear of being jumped on and raped. It is also the language of many countries with varying degrees of prosperity.
My god, we’ve raped and pillaged the hell out of Central and South America. We’ve devoured the rain forest. And coke snorting Americans like George Bush are responsible for the fucking drug trade that’s ruined Columbia.
English is the language of effeminate imperialistic bastards, most of whom also happen to be hypocritical adulterous windbags.
Italy is the opposite of Spain, BTW – women can’t walk on the streets in broad daylight without getting groped and possibly fingered, or so I’ve heard from many online sources.
I’m going to make up my own language. It’ll be the language of ex-pats, I guess.
There is a reason why the man’s first name is Newt. He’s one step above lizard.
Seriously, Spanish is a beautiful language. According to this site, it is the number 4 spoken language in the world (English is 3), and it might just surpass English depending on how one tallies the information. Was ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE written in the language of the ghetto?
Also, it’s not even the obvious racism of the rapping that offends me as much as the jovial behavior and general insouciance of a man who is basically responsible for duping the American public in so many deplorable ways.
Everytime see that clip of “MC Rove” my brain bleeds a little.
Ugh. I think every school in America should be at least bilingual FOR OUR KIDS’ SAKE. We’re probably the only country in the world that doesn’t teach more than one language at the elementary school level. How are we going to be globally competitive?
Ten years ago in CA people at my job were getting hired and promoted on the basis of being bilingual, to deal with the influx of immigrants who didn’t speak English. In ten more years, people who aren’t at least bilingual are going to be at a huge disadvantage in this country. This kind of thinking makes me sick.
Newt Gingrich is a fucking toolbox.
I’m going to go ahead and break from the rest of the Left on the issue of speaking Spanish in school lessons, however. In this country, anybody who doesn’t speak English FLUENTLY is going to be a huge disadvantage later in life; ESL is not sufficient to impart fluency. If Spanish is what is being spoken at home and in their daily lives, school is the place where they need to be immersed in conversational English.
Feel free to tear me a new asshole on this one, but I don’t think anything that can be taught in a math class is as important to bettering your financial situation than fluency in the native language of the country in which you reside.
In other news, Yiddish is the language of el barrio and Ladino is the language of the ‘hood.
The rapping video…excruciatingly cringeworthy…I couldn’t watch more than a few seconds after the “beat dropped”…maybe later.
It reminds me of The Coup’s “Pimps”.
MC Rove!
Dropping names like Valerie Plame
Handled direct-mail for the Reagan-Bush campaign.
The Republican operative who is bush’s brain.
MC Rove has a stain on his name
It’s yellow in the front and brown on the back
Miers on his nuts and Gonzales in his crack.
MC Rove is a helluva thug
With an alien shaped head and a face like a pug
Why doesn’t his name
rhyme with LOVE
MC Rove has beheaded the DOVE
Come on! Come on!
Throw your hands in the air
Let MC Rove see your armpit hair
Come on! Come on!
Throw your hands in the air
Wave buh-bye like you just don’t care!