Required Reading List
I’ve decided that I definitely need a Required Reading List to point people to when they come to this site. I’ll include the posts on White Privilege and Racism and Hair, but I’d also like to point to some posts off site, too. I’m looking for posts that explain basic concepts or rebuttals to the most common arguments of stupid/racist people. Are there any posts from your blog or one of the blogs you read that you feel qualifies? If so, pop it in the comments. And no matter when you come on this post – a week, a month, or even a year from now – if you have a suggestion, please give it. I’m sure the Reading List will always grow.
i thought about this when i saw the Feminism 101 blog start up. i said “wow, anti WMS (White Male Supremacy) agenda blogs need this, anti-racism blogs need this.”
i bet i do have a post like that…that would fit. i’m not sure i know what it would be yet. i’ll have to think on it.
great idea!
oh hell i didnt know i was logged in under my status blog I.D., sorry about that.
I like this by Yolanda:
Excellent counter to the ol’ reverse racism card.
A positive stereotyping post.
I also like BFP’s Women of Color Morphing into Oppressor Status post.
People might want to take the Implicit Association Test, which I blogged about here.
This may not be anything you want, or you may feel it’s totally wrong, but it’s a post I recently wrote as a guide to dealing with poor whites who interject “but I didn’t get that privilege” into conversations about white privilege.
I wrote it to have something to point them to when I run into them. It explains why they’re wrong, but I hope it also could help them participate meaningfully in discussions of privilege… unless they’re just trolls at heart, of course.
Here are a few posts I’ve done:
“No! I’m Not Black! I’m White!!”
The Construction of Whiteness
Racism and White Supremacy
Hope some of these are of use.
I got a lot out of the “poor white privilege” post. Growing up seeing black kids wearing clothes and shoes I could only dream of wearing yet claiming they were oppressed while they beat the shit out of me for being white didn’t help my attitude any.
Thanks for posting it.
Excellent idea! Here are some ideas for the non-blog part of the reading list (I appologize for the long post in advance). Some of these readings are more academic than others, so depending on what folks feel like reading, they can take their pick. I would recomend for sure the book by Johnson for white folks who have no idea what is meant by power and privilege. I would also recomend the bell hooks readings (there are many more than what I listed) for folks who have thought a bit about the intersection of race, class, and gender- bell hooks is simply a captivating author. I hope this is what you were looking for and that it is helpful! :)
Reading list:
Anderson, M. L. (2003). Whitewashing race: A critical perspective on whiteness. In A. W. Doane & E. Bonilla-Silva (Eds.), White out: The continuing significance of racism (pp. 21-34). New York: Routledge.
Brayboy, B. M. J. (2003). The implementation of diversity in predominantly white colleges and universities. Journal of Black Studies, 34(1), 72-86.
Brodkin, K. (2002). How Jews became white folks. In P. S. Rothenberg (Ed.), White privilege: Essential readings on the other side of racism (pp. 35-48). New York: Worth Publishers.
Chang, M. J., Witt, D., Jones, J., & Hakuta, K. (Eds.). (2003). Compelling interest: Examining the evidence on racial dynamics in colleges and universities. Stanford: Stanford Education.
Chesler, M. A., Peet, M., & Sevig, T. (2003). Blinded by whiteness: The development of white college students’ racial awareness. In A. W. Doane & E. Bonilla-Silva (Eds.), White out: The continuing significance of racism (pp. 215-230). New York: Routledge.
Dalton, H. (2002). Failing to see. In P. S. Rothenberg (Ed.), White privilege: Essential readings on the other side of racism (pp. 15-18). New York: Worth Publishers.
Dryer, R. (2002). The matter of whiteness. In P. S. Rothenberg (Ed.), White privilege: Essential readings on the other side of racism (pp. 9-14). New York: Worth Publishers.
Du Bois, W. E. B. (2003 [1903]). The souls of black folk. New York: The Modern Library.
Ely, R. J., & Thomas, D. A. (2001).
Frankenberg, R. (1993). White women, race matters: The social construction of whiteness. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Garza, S. J. (2000). “As if bereav’d of light”: Decoding whiteness in my academia. In N. M. Rodriguez & L. E. Villaverde (Eds.), Dismantling white privilege: Pedagogy, politics, and whiteness. New York: Peter Lang.
Grillo, T., & Wildman, S. M. (1996). Obscuring the importance of race: The implication of making comparisons between racism and sexism (or other isms). In S. M. Wildman (Ed.), Privilege revealed: How invisible preference undermines America (pp. 85-102). New York: New York University Press.
Helms, J. E. (Ed.). (1990). Black and white racial identity: Theory, research, and practice. London: Praeger.
hooks, b. (1995). killing rage: ending racism. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
hooks, b. (2003). Teaching community: A pedagogy of hope. New York: Routledge.
Jensen, R. (2005). The heart of whiteness: Confronting race, racism, and white privilege. San Francisco: City Lights.
Johnson, A. G. (2006). Privilege, power, and difference (second edition). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Lipsitz, G. (2006). The possessive investment in whiteness: How white people profit from identity politics (revised and expanded edition). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
McIntosh, P. (2002). White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. In P. S. Rothenberg (Ed.), White Privilege: Essential Readings on the Other Side of Racism (pp. 97-101). New York: Worth Publishers.
McIntyre, A. (1997). Making meaning of whiteness: Exploring racial identity with white teachers. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Nelson, D. J. (2005). A national analysis of diversity in science and engineering faculties at research universities.
Omi, M., & Winant, H. (1993). On the theoretical status of the concept of race. In C. McCarthy & W. Crichlow (Eds.), Race, identity, and representation in education (pp. 3-10). New York: Routledge.
Omi, M., & Winant, H. (1994). Racial formation in the United States from the 1960s to the 1990s (second edition). New York: Routledge.
Pierce, J. L. (2003). “Racing for innocence”: Whiteness, corporate culture, and the backlash against affirmative action. In A. W. Doane & E. Bonilla-Silva (Eds.), White out: The continuing significance of racism (pp. 199-214). New York: Routledge.
Pincus, F. L. (1996). Discrimination comes in many forms: Individual, institutional, and structural. The American Behavioral Scientist, 40(2), 186-194.
Roman, L. G. (1993). White is a color! White defensiveness, postmodernism, and anti-racist pedagogy. In C. McCarthy & W. Crichlow (Eds.), Race identity and representation in education (pp. 71-88). New York: Routledge.
Tatum, B. D. (1997). “Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?” and other conversations about race. New York: Basic Books.
Tyson, T. B. (2004). Blood done sign my name: A true story. New York: Three Rivers Press.
Wellman, D. T. (1993). Portraits of white racism (second edition): Cambridge University Press.
West, C. (1994). Race matters. New York: Vintage Books.
Wilderman, S. M., & Davis, A. D. (1996). Making systems of privilege visible. In S. M. Wilderman (Ed.), Privilege revealed: How invisible preference undermines America (pp. 7-24). New York: New York University Press.
Tim Wise for white folks (and everybody else too), especially white men.
This is completely unhelpful and not constructive at all. But sometimes the only thing I can manage is: “because … fsck you.”