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It’s Morning In America

Last night America elected its first black president.  We made history, as everyone still enjoys saying.  And I think we’ve earned the right to bask in the glow for a little bit.

But listen, there’s still a lot to be done.

First and foremost, it should be stated that, although come January we will have a Black president, that does not mean that racism is “over”.  That having a black president does not end the dialogue we have on this blog, on other blogs, and in meatspace about race, prejudice, and the challenges people of color face in this country and the world.  Obama’s win only proves that he specifically had what it took to win this election.  It wasn’t that any black person could have won, just as not any random woman could have won.  McCain made the mistake of thinking that; of looking at people like labels.

So there’s still a lot of anti-racist work to be done.  Racism still needs to be eliminated.  And while I’m hopeful that having a black president is one major step in that direction, it can also cause a setback as people throw “But we have a black president!” in our faces every time we bring up the deep-seated problems in this country.  We can’t let that happen.

Another important thing to remember is that Obama is not perfect and he’s not supernatural.  While we can rejoice in his presidency, we can’t cut him any slack.  And I think we must be willing, as activists and as non-activists, to work hard for change.  He said as much in his speech last night, so let’s hold him to his word.  More than ever we need to hold a president to his word this time around.

Am I wrong to feel, to hope, that doing so will be easier?  That in 4 years I’m going to feel better about my country than I do today?  Obama has never shared all of my values, but I am overwhelmed right now with a good feeling.

55 thoughts on “It’s Morning In America”

  1. Maria says:

    Did you happen to watch Karl Rove last night and his ‘post racism’ bullshit? I wanted to strangle him.

    I’m willing to work with Obama. I’ll be there every step of the way.

  2. sfokc6125 says:

    I can only say I hope you are right. I hope he will get the job done. as to the House and the Hill. We need the balance in order for it to be a voice of all , not just the voice of one party. Mr Obamas job is to us the Americans not to a party not one race . I hope he can do that and get the job done. We as a nation need to see only one thing . The life of every American is equal to all and that freedom is the right that everyone has the same opportunity the same voice and is treated based on who they are not the color of their skin nor their religion . It is not we the white nor we the black IT IS WE THE PEOPLE. In your heart is where you and your country is and that is where you grow from. By giving that spirit to all you see. This is America .

  3. erika says:

    thanks for saying these things. i’m glad obama won, but i’m scared that it’s going to make liberals and leftists complacent.

  4. plain(s)feminist says:

    I share your hope. One of the things about Obama that has always given me confidence in him as a leader is his insistence that all Americans need to work together to fix this. I don’t think that was just campaign rhetoric – I think he is motivating us to do this hard work, and I do think the next four years will be better because of it.

  5. Pingback: A Few More Thoughts On Last Night and Today « Not Like Crazy
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  7. plaintain1 says:

    Thanks for pointing this out but does it really mean that now we have black President that racism can be finally buried? Can white people be finally absolved of their guilt as result of voting for a Black man? As someone said elsewhere “Obama’s very candidacy marginalizes Jackson and sounds the death knell of his significance. Obama represents a success that Jackson, Sharpton and others can’t accept because it is a success that leaves no room for them and their views.” Is that the truth, I hope not otherwise I don’t have anything to write about!!!

  8. Tommy says:

    As a black man raised in the South, I was thrilled that the campaign of hate and fear against Obama was rejected. But as a gay California resident, I’m upset that the campaign of hate and fear against the LGBT community worked. There are plenty of fellow Obama voters who feel that if I got married to another man it would somehow threaten their marriage. So I’m happy overall, but it’s a bittersweet thing.

  9. Foxessa says:

    I am cautiously hopeful that the weight of repression that has been steadily getting heavier for everyone in this country will get a little lighter, particularly for those who feel it soonest and the heaviest, as the disinfranchised, the poor, the least powerful and influential.

    One small sign of these times that Senator Obama has embodied for so many of us showed up out of publishing yesterday, in the Washington Post. Three books were reviewed that spoke of progressive action and how to achieve it. One of the book’s titles even employed the word, “Revolution,” and meant it in terms of political action, not, you know, for a sleep number mattress or something.

    Travel will be easier, which means intercourse again among artists and intellectuals from everywhere. We in this nation have gotten so isolated that we desperately need some rejuvenation from active minds and creative expressions from elsewhere.

    I’m submitting very modest hopes.

    But, shoot, if they just get rid of those ridiculous shampoo bottle restrictions for airline security, that would make dance happy!

    Love, c.

  10. gollyfolly says:

    Look I’m as excited as the next person about the history that was made last night. But..But..But.. we need to go from a campaign about CHANGE to a campaign now about RESPONSIBILITY. No longer can parents with unruly children have any excuses. No longer can we allow the x-boxes and wii stations raise children. President Elect Obama is one man who has accomplished his dreams and goals and now this should be an incentive for lazy a*& parents to show their children that hard work does pay off.

    On another note. What just took place in this election was monumental, but it can’t stop their. Obama alone can’t change the way the world is. All those voters who went to the polls last night need to have that same passion in their local polls as well. Get those politicians in your home state and cities to live up to the promises they’ve made. It’s going to take the whole country from small town politicans to big city politicans working together to really bring about CHANGE.

  11. the angry husband of the angry black woman says:

    I, for one, am speechless. not because i didn’t think he would win but because of the states who voted for him. I’m from ohio. When i saw that this state voted for obama, i about slapped somebody’s teeth out they mouth. i thought for sure that ohio would vote for mccain but i guess i was wrong.

    anyway, i’m happy that the american’s who voted for obama WANTED a change. i know that some white people, not all of them, are going to think that “the blacks are going to take over”.(trust me i’ve heard some of them say it. not to my face of course) PLEASE!!!! we wouldn’t take over this country if we really wanted to. too many of us would want to be top dog. We blacks would actually have to come together for that to happen and i don’t see that happening no time soon. lol we as a race have so much work to do before we can accomplish anything together.

    meanwhile, back at the ranch…… he’s gonna have to clean up the mess that “bin laden’s bed buddy” left behind before he has a chance to get things rollin’. we all have to come together and stand behind him. squash the hate and spread the love. “I love you angry black woman”. smooches

    i’m truly glad that obama won. he had the confidence and charisma that “old n’ busted” lacked. but that’s my opinion and i’m sticking to you.

    *i do have more to say but too tired from work to focus. more from the “cute angry husband of the angry black woman” at a later time.”

    God Bless!!!

  12. Eileen Gunn says:

    I am trying not to invest too much in the fact that a a smart, rational, compassionate person of principle who was a community organizer(!) and can manage a huge headstrong political operation without losing his soul has been elected president. He has been given the Augean Stables to clean up. But if anyone can do it, I believe Barak Obama can and will.


  13. Purple Passion says:

    Well, racism (like so many other forms of discrimination) will never be entirely eliminated. It is unrealistic to think otherwise.

    It is, apparently, a part of human nature to be critical of those who appear “different” from ourselves. There is not one person on this planet who has never thought poorly of someone who didn’t meet their “standards of approval”. Race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, degree of physical attractiveness… you name it. We have ALL judged someone, based on our own personal criteria of what we deem to be “acceptable”. However, it is when we act on those beliefs, that trouble begins to stir.

    This is why I define racism (or any other “ism”) as a direct action took against someone, based on disapproval of perceived or real differences. Policing people’s thoughts will certainly never eliminate ANY type of discrimination; if anything, it will only make it worse. There is no such thing as a “thought crime”, and any implication that suggests otherwise is a recipe for disaster.

    You can’t control how other people think about you, but yes, you can take action to make sure that their personal feelings do not interfere with your wordily progress. But, I wouldn’t suggest trying to change somebody just because you get the “vibe” that they are racist, sexist, etc. If they are, that is their choice… so long as they do not act on those thoughts.

    I do think that Obama’s success is proof that America isn’t quite as bad as everyone would have us believe. If it wasn’t for the votes of non-racist white people, he wouldn’t be the next President. That should tell you that A LOT has changed. A Jewish person certainly wouldn’t have gotten this far in Nazi Germany.

    But, all in all, yes, racism will never be eliminated… and I’m sad to say that I think a few people might actually prefer that it not be…. and I’m not talking about whites.

  14. mlp says:

    In the fewer than 24 hours since Obama’s victory, my experience has been an outpouring of warmth and goodwill from people of all races — black, Hispanic, Native, Asian, white, whatever. In the streets of San Francisco last night, men and women embraced in fellowship and hope, and cheered for the opportunity to face our future and solve its problems as brothers and sisters.

    It is my firm belief that the next four years will be a time of more dialogue, and more importantly more productive dialogue, about race and prejudice than we’ve seen in a long time. People of all races will have to work together to keep that momentum going and make that happen. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I’m ready.

  15. Foxessa says:

    Also, he’s got a really smart, strong, competent, life-of-own, real woman, beautiful wife.

    And they’re getting a puppy when things get settled because you don’t bring in a puppy to chaos.

    I know this sounds all goopy, but knowing I am going to be hearing those voices instead of what we have been hearing, and might have had to endure for another 4 – 8 years, makes me so happy. I’m very much a radio person, so I hear our officials far more than I see them. Though again, with this very attractive First Family, I won’t mind seeing them either.

    I couldn’t stand to look at any of Them.

    Love, c.

  16. Diane J Standiford says:

    For sure homophobia reins supreme.. Will we ever have our good morning? Why do African Americans hate us? We prayed for Obama. We marched with MLK Jr., We get racism and hate it. The KKK hung us too. We die in wars. No matter what we do, we are never good enough. You have loving families, churches and friends…support. Why can’t we get yours? 71% of African Americans voted to ban gay marriage. No matter how much you fear or hate me, I will never do less than love you.

  17. says:

    Hello there!

    I am so happy that I found your blog!!

    This entire experience is still merinating with so many millions of people….I wrote a post “After The Tears…America Faces Reality” because I believe that we have to continue to own up to all that is wrong in our country in order to produce lasting change.

    Please feel welcome to drop by my blog and share your thoughts whenever you’d like!! (smiles)

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  18. Eloquent47 says:

    President Elect Obama, you are currently standing on the honoured shoulders of so many. Did you hear their silent applause reverberating down through time? Your remit is now immense as you are now so many things to so many people.

    We DID as you asked. We listened to you . . . and we took action.

    Now it’s YOUR turn. Please LISTEN carefully . . . and take action.

  19. terry says:

    I live in England and I think its great that a mixed race man has become the president of the U.S. Because of his black/white heritage this is a victory everyone can celebrate. Well done the U.S

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  23. Trackback: Ten Post Round-Up: Big News In Digestible Bits (Thursday, November 6th) « The Dark Diva Diaries
  24. terry says:

    You can say that again.

  25. Maggie says:


    Speaking as a queer white woman, I have to point out that you are way out of line.

    1. “Why do African Americans hate us?”
    Has it occurred to you that POC and queer are not diametrically opposed labels? That there are queer men and women who are also African American? I stopped working with the HRC because I saw this kind of attitude way the hell too often and it finally became too damn embarrassing to be part of an organization with the words “human rights” in the name, but that seemed to only be interested in worrying about the human rights of gay, upper class, white cis males. As long as your wandering around wondering why African Americans hate “us”, you’re going to be alienating and minimizing the wonderful queer POC brothers and sisters who, I assure you, really do exist.

    2. It is completely idiotic and useless to start engaging in Oppression Olympics. That said, I’m going to tell you something similar to what I told all my white feminist friends who thought Geraldine Ferraro was right on earlier this year: When we start getting pulled over by the cops for “driving while queer”, when queer people become systematically economically, politically, and judicially marginalized, when queer people have been literally dehumanized for 400+ years, THEN you can start throwing around this “homophobia is worse than racism” crap. Until then, you may want to shut up before you make yourself look like an idiot who’s never taken the time to examine the privilege she does have.

  26. Angel H. says:

    White privilege, thy name is Purple Passion.

    Stop drinking the “hater-ade”, get over yourself, and move on.

  27. the angry black woman says:


    You will find that on this blog we are anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-homophobia. I myself am a queer woman and the community here is mainly LGBT positive if not LGBT personally. Therefore, we are not the ones who didn’t support or voted to ban gay marriage. Your ire is misdirected.

    This IS the place to come to talk about the issues surrounding why African-Americans and other People of Color may not support gay rights though they support civil and human rights, but that discussion would be with an eye towards examining and working to fix the problem in a positive way, not saying “why do black people hate the gays!?”

  28. Big Fella says:

    You point is well taken. There is no magic bullet and while a milestone in American history was achieved Tuesday, we are still faced with all of the same issues that we were faced with before Tuesday.

    We Americans as a people must still work at eliminating all forms of racism, and beyond that doing a better job at educating our children, and inculcating our children with values based upon the equality and potential of all humanity.

  29. my family is a mixed can of nuts says:

    Racism took a major blow. No it isn’t gone or done with, but, my goodness-
    can we
    please remember or realize that a heck of a lot of White Americans voted for Obama. No one is asking for cookies- I am saying-
    Look at the progress and the progress will continue and thrive- look forward – look at all the good and it grows – like water and sun light on plants- not too much, but, not too little either- nurture the good-

    He got more than 12 percent of the vote. (or 8 as voting age percentage of people who can identify black in our country goes).

    The best phone call was my sister to her white father, “Daddy! What you’ve been working for, for 50 years! It’s happening now”
    Real change.

    Of course there is work to be done- look at gay marriage- Can’t have freedom for some and call it freedom-


    and recognize.

  30. my family is a mixed can of nuts says:

    time to make changes in the church goin’ community.

    Both Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King spoke of gay rights before they passed.
    Both were active Christians in their church community.
    Dr. MLK Jr. preached a different brand of Christianity than his father did. He was more liberal and less fire and brimstone. He read the spiritual teachings of Buddhists, Muslims, Sufi’s, etc. and interpreted them through his Christian perspective in order to share those teachings.
    Black Christian leaders spoke against gay marriage this year.
    It’s sickening.
    The churches could use some work.

    At the Agape International Spiritual Center, the gay community is loved and honored equally. Gay marriage (whether the law recognizes it or not) is respected as straight marriage is. Gay practitioners and reverands abound. The congregation is multi cultural, people from every religion, every shade, every mix show up and work with unconditional love for equality across the board.
    The choir sang with Will I. Am and at the opening of the DNC.
    Obama’s crowds of supporters looked more and more like my spiritual centers congregation (10,000 members so far).

    I hope more churches will become more unconditionally loving and accepting.
    The fact that a church, who allegedly honors Christ’s teachings, would ever stand in the way of a couples right to marriage- is a hideous fact indeed.

    Time to bring homophobia out from the closet, and place it in the sunlight for better review.

  31. Foxessa says:

    I hope I’m not out-of-line here, but I’m going to talk a little history of the conditions of slavery — and now incarceration — in the New World, in hopes that this may shed a bit of light on the peceived anti-gay bias among some members in communities of color.

    To start with I’ll speak primarily to the Caribbean and how things worked there.

    Far more men than women were brought via the Middle Passage to spend their lives working for their European owners. Their lives were short and spent in unimaginably brutish conditions. They were ‘housed,’ in baracoons. When they weren’t working, they were sent back to the baracoons. You may as well call these prisons. In most cases there were no women in the baracoons. The lives of these men, on average, lasted 10 years, before they died from overwork and under nutrition. In other words, the slave population in the Caribbean was constantly refreshed, straight from Africa. And in all that time they may well never have even seen a woman again.

    Now certain cultural identity traditions were also transmitted because of this constant turnover of new African population — particularly religious and drumming traditions. Among many African cultures observed gender differences are fundamental.

    In the baracoons, as in contemporary prisons of the U.S., a portion of the population was coerced into, or fell into the ‘feminine’ gender role — cooking, washing clothes, whatever. For no matter how chaotic a prison will look to an outsider, there will be an order imposed in some way, if only the order of the strongest upon the weakest. For many, this would be a great shame.

    After several hundred years of this experience being so common among the men of African heritage in the New World, and the accompanying contempt for African Americans’ marriages and families, this may well have something to do with the perceived anti-gay bias.

    If I was out-of-line, I apologize, and please remove my post.

    Love, C.

  32. Rachel says:

    Foxessa, I didn’t know that. Thank you.

  33. osiyo says:

    I don’t understand what that has to do with bigotry today. It doesn’t excuse it I’m not sure really what you mean. I also don’t buy that African Americans are somehow responsible as a group for the defeat of gay marriage.

  34. Purple Passion says:

    Stereotyping, thy name is Angel H.

    I can assure you that I have no “privilege”. I am not rich, I am not blonde, I do not own a car, nor do I currently have a job.

    PS I voted for Obama, so you can drop all of that “hater” garbage. All I’m saying is that anything is possible, and my comments regarding racism & other forms of discrimination are just an observation of the unfortunate reality. I’d like to see a real response from you, instead of petty personal attacks.

    Please, don’t be like the Republicans.

  35. GallingGalla says:

    Well, my initial reaction wrt prop 8 was, I guess, rather similar to that of Dan Savage, but then I read how prop 8 was bankrolled by the mormon church, which is overwhelmingly white, and that the no on 8 people did very little outreach to people of color and realizing that mainstream lgb(t? where’s t? tacked-on) organizations are overwhelmingly white…

    I think I’ll keep quiet, cos my initial ignorant (ok, racist) reaction is quickly proven wrong every time, just by my doing some reading.

    RE: the original post, I am very happy that Obama won, and by such a large margin, and in so many conservative states (not just Ohio).

  36. Diane J Standiford says:

    I know you are “queer” (I hate that word, oh well) ABW, I also have black gay friends and my comment attempted to incorporate THEIR words and feelings to me. I knew I was being inflammatory, hoping to engage. I wish the gay marriage stuff hadn’t happened on same day, I wish it was all pure joy. Seriously, I nor anyone should play cards (“trump”) with human diversity or discrimination. Where I live, everyone I passed on Nov.4th stood taller. As much as I have felt connected to the black people in my life, when I spoke to strangers that day, they actually/visually stood taller and I realized what I had missed; that made m sad, then happy that I learned more about the anger and pain I thought was in my soul too. It hit me like a brick and I will never forget the lesson I learned that day. 4,000 people went into the streets a few blocks from where I live , to cry, sing, dance, love, rejoice, the police finally arrived (kept busy as thousands more gathered downtown Seattle, all impromptu need to gather) and the reporters went crazy looking to report a riot, but through their own tears had nothing of the sort to report. Onward..

  37. Diane J Standiford says:

    PS–I relate in no way to the “white feminists” you blog about, I feel about them as your readers/writers do.

  38. the angry black woman says:

    Purple Passion, are you white? are you male? Then you have privilege. See the Required Reading for details.

  39. Angel H. says:

    I can assure you that I have no “privilege”. I am not rich, I am not blonde, I do not own a car, nor do I currently have a job.

    Everyone has some sort of privilege, whether it’s male privilege, able-bodied privilege, religious (Christian) privilege, ecomonic privilege, or any sort of privilege where society treats it as the default norm. Your obvious lack of understanding on this concept is painful.

    Follow ABW’s instructions and read the “Required Reading” section first. Then come to me about having a “real discussion”. I won’t fight a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

  40. akacocolopez says:

    As an artist that deals with race in my work, I was proud at a moment when Obama won the election and when I went outside and saw how many people cared and were joyous I was proud of the people in our country who truly believed in something and made it happen. For me that what this election is most about, the dreams of a people coming true, which I think has initiated a feeling of hope in our everyday lives once again.

    However, as I walked through Harlem that night, I was eerily reminded that some things are not going to change in my immediate community in terms of gentrification, displacement, and the further development of condos pushing working class people out of the neighborhood.

    There is still alot of work to be done in this country, and we definitely can not stop working at change on a smaller scale. As I said, my work deals with race and identity, yesterday in class I presented a work dealing with race and the one drop rule. The only people who understood what I was talking about were my teacher, t.a., and the only other black girl in class. So as we have all supported Obama, we are not all concerned with race or even understand its intricacies. My one hope is that this dialogue on Race in America is not completely erased from history and our minds because “a country with a Black President cannot possibly be racist”.

  41. St. Mark's Sings National Anthem says:

    There were spontaneous celebrations everywhere, but this clip of people singing the national anthem on St. Marks Place here in NYC still gives me chills. I’ve been crying off and on since Tuesday. How ever the future works out, I will never forget Election Night 2008. One of the finest nights of my life!


  42. jenn says:

    There were spontaneous celebrations everywhere, but this clip of people singing the national anthem on St. Marks Place here in NYC still gives me chills. I’ve been crying off and on since Tuesday. How ever the future works out, I will never forget Election Night 2008. One of the finest nights of my life!


  43. Foxessa says:

    osiyo — This connects to anti-gay bias today in the same way that experience through generations transmits not only cultural identiy but certain other biases that aren’t positive — as, for another instance, the expression of misogyny among certain Jamaican cultural groups.

    Nor am I stating that African American votes are responsible for the results of the Prop 8 vote. That would be very difficult to do, since it was funded primarily by the Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints, which, the last time I looked is not African (though they have prosletyzed with success in Africa), is not Hispanic (though they have prosletyzed with success in Latin America), nor Asian (though they have prosletyzed with success in SE Asia). It is white.

    Also it seems due to the wording of the Prop many people many have actually thought they were voting in FAVOR of keeping SSM, instead of against it.

    I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.

    Love, C.

  44. osiyo says:

    I’m not so sure…many cultures have dealt with those exact situations and it hasn’t resulted in an anti-gay bias. I suspect there are several factors all competing, one of which being that an american raising doesn’t exactly lead one to tolerant beliefs. I don’t think we’re seeing African America culture at work so much as American culture.

    And yes, prp 8 was worded sneakily.

    Thank you fot clarifying Foxessa.

  45. sideshowjim says:

    I think it’s a shame Rosa Parks wasn’t around to see this day. I know it’s not really that relevant to the US as a whole, but well, you all know what I mean. Sure racism will probably never actually be over (“Why don’t you write an anti-glacier book?”*) but how is this not a vindication of the progress of the civil rights movement?

    Still work to be done, but we’re on the right path. All we need to do is keep going.

    *(10 points if you get the reference and it’s meaning)

  46. Bob Simpson says:

    A few years back, I was coming out of the Oak Park IL library. One of Obama’s aides was practically dragging people over to shake his hand. Obama looked awful lonely standing there so I went over and exchanged a few words and shook his hand.

    Neither of us said anything of great consequence, but what impressed me was that he didn’t flash a phony $3 bill smile or pretend to be my long lost buddy. That’s a rare quality in a politician and one to be admired.

    Now he is president of the United States. I checked out the vote totals of my old hometown of Washington D.C. —93% for Obama. My childhood-through-college home of Maryland was 60% and my adopted state of Illinois was 61%. Clearly I have lived in some really great places.

    We have passed some kind of milestone. Racism is far from dead, but its pulse has gotten a little weaker.

    Now it’s on to tap all of that volunteer enthusiasm and create the greatest social movement for justice this country has ever seen.

    Yes we can.

  47. Foxessa says:

    Bob Simpson — That is so — well, so cool, and for me, personally, so satisfying, that Obama was campaigning outside a library.

    Thank you so much for telling this story.

    Love, C.

  48. jenn says:

    I personally wish that we could have waited a few days before we formed our traditional circular firing squad. I really wanted — no needed — to celebrate something this year. The election of Obama is a really great moment in our country’s history. As for Prop 8, I find it really hard that ALL black people have been blamed for what a few of us may (or may not) have done. I’m tired of being 10% of the population and 100% of the problems. I personally support Gay rights.

    And I don’t live in CA. God, I’ve never even been to CA! Yet, on most of the blogs that I follow, I’ve actually been attacked for something that I never supported. Let’s all take a collective breath and think for a moment on how we can deal with the homophobia in parts of the black community that does exist. But please I don’t blame everyone black for Prop 8. That just doesn’t seem fair to me.

  49. Pingback: Some Truths That Perhaps Have Not Sunk In Yet « The Angry Black Woman
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  51. Diane J Standiford says:

    Yesr, prop 8., I see it was worded poorly. . I don’t blame Obama for ANY of now, he actuallty said the words gay and disabled. If he sys, “jump” I”ll say, “Hpw high?.”

  52. Angel H. says:

    Does anybody know where I could find the exact wording of Prop 8?

  53. Suzzy says:


    I’m a white girl living in the UK and I just wanted to say that I thought Obama being elected was amazing and I really hope that he brings the changes that are needed.
    Oh and I love the blog by the way

  54. Scorpio says:

    OK, Obama doesn’t share all my opinions, but by God he is so far above his competition that for me there was no contest.

    No, racism isn’t dead — but an awful lot of people proved that quality is what matters.

  55. Purple Passion says:

    @ABW: I have already read that section.

    @Angel: You don’t know anything about me, so it’s a pretty silly thing for you to assume that I am “privillaged”. I just visited your blog profile, and judging by your photo, you’re VERY healthy (I’m not), have a nice salon hair-do (I can’t afford such things) & you have a digital camera (I don’t even have one of those. LOL). I’ll bet you have a nice job too, don’t you? And maybe even a nice car?

    Contrary to what you may think, somebody doesn’t walk up to my door and hand me a $10,000.00 check for being white. LOL Nor have I been given any special opputunities. I can’t even get hired at McDonald’s, so what does that tell you? I have ZERO friends, only one family member I’m on speaking terms with (but even that relationship is strained), and I’ve recently been told that I have colon cancer. Oh yes… what a wonderful life I have.

    You really need to stop clumping people up into racial-based catagories, and give more thought to the individual. I’m NOT the middle-class Malibu Barbie you have stuck in your head. Maybe if you were not so busy playing “the victim”, you’d realize there are some people (yes, some of these are white people) who are worse off than you.

  56. Purple Passion says:

    OH, I just thought of a couple of privilages:

    1. I don’t live in a third world country. (but this would apply to everyone on this blog, I’m sure)

    2. I’m female. I never have to worry about being drafted to war, being in an extreme position of power (which is very stressful, I’m sure), being laughed at if I report a rape, being called a “pussy” if I cry, being called “gay” if I hug a man, etc, etc..

    There is definately a lot of female privilage, and I accept that.

  57. the angry black woman says:

    Purple Passion, I suggest you go back to the Required Reading and reread the sections on privilege. You obviously don’t get the concept yet. Everything you just posted above smacks of you not having read my post or the comments and links therein. Until you do, there’s no point in having a discussion with you about it. If you continue to act in a manner that shows you refuse to educate yourself on this point, then we’re just going to ignore you. We’ve already had this conversation about 20 million times. Your ignorance of the finer points of it is forgivable… up to a point.

  58. Angel H. says:

    @Angel: You don’t know anything about me, so it’s a pretty silly thing for you to assume that I am “privillaged”. I just visited your blog profile, and judging by your photo, you’re VERY healthy (I’m not), have a nice salon hair-do (I can’t afford such things) & you have a digital camera (I don’t even have one of those. LOL). I’ll bet you have a nice job too, don’t you? And maybe even a nice car?

    #1: I’d heard about diagnosing people by simply looking at their picture, but I’d never actually seen it done before. Bravo! [/sarcasm]

    #2: Salon, my ass. I spend 6 hours twisting my own locks, fuck-you-very-much.

    #3: The 7 year old camera was on loan from my dad.

    #4: I’m paid barely above mininum wage to work in an environment where I’m in constant contact with rapists, murders, and the mentally- and emotionally-disturbed. But my 16-year old, eBay car is the envy of the whole damn city, and I just had my electricity turned off just for the hell of it.! [/sarcasm again…in case you needed a clue]

    You claim your female and western world privilige. Why is it so damn hard to see that there are people out there who enjoy certain privileges just because the color of their skin? If you actually read the “Required Reading” list, you would’ve learned that “white privilege =/= higher celebrity or economic status”.

    One more thing: You have no one but yourself to blame for not having any friends. With the attitude you’ve shown here, it’s really easy to see why that is.

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