If You Can See This Post
You’re seeing the ABW on its new server. We’re still working out the kinks and getting the design the way we like it, so things will be up to speed in a few days.
You’re seeing the ABW on its new server. We’re still working out the kinks and getting the design the way we like it, so things will be up to speed in a few days.
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I can see it, but ::geh:: Hopefully this flowers-and-candies template is temporary? Anger… draining… away… =P
the flowers and candy will go away soon, I promise :)
This change is attractive!
Love, C.
Ok, now, I came over looking for something to think about, I’ll wait but I am not happy. By the way, Pimp my blog has some nice templates that may work for your new blog. Hey it’s free!
GAH!! FRUIT NOW!! ::what a world, what a world::
I can see it! It’s showing up nicely in the feedburner too.
Should we try to come up with a snazzy ABW logo?
we should! I’m blanking on what we should put up there. Parts of the old header would work, but something new and fresh would be awesome.
Ooh! Nice new digs!
BTW, if you have the time, check out my check out my new post. Any info would be appreciated!
Hmm… A new logo would be nice, but I’m not a visual person at all. What if we had a contest? Gotta be some graphic design-inclined ABW fans out there.
What are the requirements for the logo (height/width/file type)?
height is 160px and I can change that somewhat, but 160px seems a good size. Width is variable — essentially the middle of the image will always show and the theme will cut off the right and left with as users resize the window. Right now the theme uses 1300px wide images with the notion that most of it will get cut off. as I have a widescreen monitor at home I think I’d prefer a header that has a white background so that even if the screen is really wide it won’t look odd when the actual pixels are not as much.
I’m with everyone else. It’s new logo time. Then it will be insanely shiny.
Lovin’ the change, but I’m reeeaaaally diggin’ that Luna pic from the boondocks! You should use the one where she takes the guy’s heart outa his chest for the new Icon!! That says a lot far as I’m concerned…
Could you reinstate the colour on links please? I can’t tell which of the links in the sidebars are new, and links in the main posts don’t show up at all unless I happen to run the mouse over them. (I’m also getting confused with the trackbacks being listed after the comments but without a divider.)
Love the new site!
My name is Jessica and I’m a recent viewer of your site. I tried to send this message to you via email, but it wasn’t working, so I thought I would leave this on your post…
I wanted to email you to let you know that I really appreciate the way your site has pushed me to think about issues that I have sometimes neglected to think about. As a white female who grew up in a conservative home and in a town and school system made up of predominantly white Protestants and Catholics, the notions of white privilege and the social construction of race never really entered my mind as a critical matter. As a child and into my teenage years, race seemed like a private, intimate topic—no one talked about it and if questions were ever asked, many did not know the answers.
Now a first-year graduate student with a research interest in race and writing, I have learned a lot about my own assumptions, both as a child/teen and even now. Your required readings, specifically on white privilege and colorblindness, have invoked many questions, ones that I hope to continue to think about both in my day-to-day experiences, as well as my studies. If you have any suggestions or readings for me to think about in relation to teaching about race (especially as a white woman), I would greatly appreciate it. I am still struggling with my position as a white female and how to situate myself in conversations about race.
I do want to mention that your site reminds me of a passage I recently read in Patricia Williams’s Open House. In the first chapter she describes a scene in which her and a white male (J.B.) engage in an argument over their experiences and beliefs. J.B. makes it clear that “Affirmative Action [is] corrupt” and “anti-hate speakers [are] the real haters” (Williams 5). Upon hearing such claims, Williams acknowledges her anger towards J.B. and urges him to try and see where she is coming from. Yet, he desires the same thing, for her to understand him and his racist implications. As she reflects on this experience, she brings up a concept that she uses throughout the entire piece—“double being” or rather, double consciousness. She comments on how all throughout her life she has experienced this notion of double being—seeing the oppressed and the oppressor in the same body. She notes that she desires J.B. to experience a “double being” and how in many ways it his social responsibility to do so, especially since Whites have never really had to experience a double consciousness.
To me, this idea of double being requires me to see myself in terms of a history based in oppressive agency, as someone who is privileged and regarded as “normative.” I also must see myself through the eyes of people of color and thus as unequally privileged, ostensibly “normative”, a representation of the “system,” and in many ways an unsettling connection to a dominant group of people who aimed to dehumanize others. Powerful and in many ways life-altering, this is what your site invokes—the call for us, and I’m referring to Whites in this case—to see ourselves as a double being. Then, I think, we will be able to understand more about lived experiences and the discrepancies in the social system.
Thank you for pushing me to think about these issues.