This is why reading Failbook is both funny and…

This is why reading Failbook is both funny and depressing…
Science is not equal to religion.
Hey let’s cut education funding & alienate all of our teachers, and while we’re at it, make teaching such a shitty job that no one wants to do it! I mean it’s obvious our kids are learning things like science just fine, right?
See comment above.
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If there is no God how does it rain? You can’t explain that.
Most definitely requiring a screaming marco/pic stating: “You fail science–FOREVER!!”
Because, you see, the Sun is God’s fireplace. Haven’t y’all noticed that it’s a great big hearth, burning entire trees at once?
Oh my G-d, the state of public education today. Is this the kind of crap they’re teaching in the right-winger favored “charter schools”?