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Infrographic: The U. S. Maternal Health Care Crisis Numbers You…

Infrographic: The U. S. Maternal Health Care Crisis

Numbers You Need to Know


This fucking country.

The C-section rate, btw, should be under 5%.  That would account for medically necessary C-sections, which are relatively rare.  Instead, it is 32.9%.

This poster doesn’t mention that women with private insurance are much more likely to receive a C-section than women on Medicaid, because the pay-out is so much higher, and also that the rate of “emergency C-sections” spikes at 5pm and on holidays.  And that people are routinely subjected to treatments like induction that dramatically raise the risk of C-section without being informed of the risks.

Argh.  Rage.

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2 thoughts on “Infrographic: The U. S. Maternal Health Care Crisis Numbers You…”

  1. Allie says:

    More things you need to know:

    The c-section rate should NOT be lower than 5%. Where in the world are you getting a number like that? Even WHO recommends 15% — did you just drop the 10 there? Is that a typo?

    Additionally, there are studies that show the higher-than-normal c-Section rate in this country is NOT due to knife-happy doctors “looking to make their golf game”, but rather to the high-level of obstetric care in this country that allows high-risk pregnancies to MAKE IT to the labor stage. Many of these women who end up having c-sections are women whose pregnancies would not be viable in places with lower standards of prenatal care. They would have miscarried with faulty placentas, unfavorable cervices, GD, Pre-E, infertility, multiples, blood type incompatibilities, bad outcomes in previous pregnancies, diabetes, advanced maternal age, and any number of other high-risk pregnancy complications. Instead, their pregnancies made it to term and their doctors AND the patients might choose not to add further complications to the mix by placing them through a dangerous trial of labor.

    Do more research and fix your numbers. A C-Section isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a pregnant mother. The death of her baby and herself ARE.

  2. Anda says:

    While some cesareans might be done a bit earlier than warranted, the majority of them are NOT. And even though there is a risk of wound infection and bleeding, as a rule, people, neither mothers nor babies die from cesareans.

    Here’s another, quite intersting explanation for why C-sections are on the rise:

    And point No. 8 in this post:

    Also, fuzzy thinking on the statistics part. Just because states with high cesarean rates also have high rates for maternal death does not mean that the mothers die because they had a cesarean. It’s like saying that if in a country, the stork population decreases and birth rate decreases too, that’s proof that storks bring babies (when it’s industrialization which is the real reason for both).

    For a clearer picture on something that REALLY threatens Mother/child safety, check here:

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