Rodney Goggins Jr. is Missing He was last seen in the East…

Rodney Goggins Jr. is Missing
He was last seen in the East Baltimore, Maryland area on Sunday, May 29th, 2011. He was driving a 2000 Buick LaSabre (black) with Maryland plate number 8FRT68 around midnight, coming home from his girlfriend’s house. He never made it.
If you see him or have any information, please call the Woodlawn Police Precint, (410) 887-1340 (case #11-1500965) or local police.
I have a feeling this will not get that many reblogs for the fact he’s a black man. : Please reblog.
I usually don’t reblog things like this because I’m never sure if they’re real or fake. A quick google search will reveal this is indeed real. I hope he is found safe and sound.
OMG, please reblog this guys.
He was last seen only a few days ago. The faster this is spread and the more efforts to find him, the faster we can help him get home. <3
Thats true, he’s a black male so this won’t get many reblogs.
Please spread as wide as you can on Tumblr, blogs, Facebook, Twitter….
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I saw this today and spread it on Twitter. Any new news?
I live in the area from which this man is missing and there have been extensive searches for this man as he is a recruit from a local fire academy. They have expended much resource-wise — from helicopters to dogs and manpower looking for him around where his car was found, all done very early compared to that of some missing persons. The man has had and will continue to have the resources spent because of his status as a fire academy recruit. There are notification on all B More television channels and news agencies in at least three counties and it continued from the time he went missing until the current time.