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Vote. Now.

I have spent this entire election season in a slow boil over the stupid rhetoric being tossed around, not only from politicians but also from voters. I have written so many posts in my head only to say: whatever, it doesn’t matter, no one will listen except people who already agree. Apathy, I has it.

So my message today is simple: go out and vote. Don’t let these fools run our country into the ground again. You don’t agree 100% with everything Obama and the democrats have done? Fine. Think the Republicans are any better? Of course you don’t. But the solution in that instance is not then to stay home pouting.

Go and vote and then do something about the things you feel passionately about. Don’t just vote then sit and wait for the world to change. Jesus, people, when John Mayer writes a song about the way things are, isn’t that enough to tell you it’s a stupid way to be?

Vote. It’s the least you can do.

18 thoughts on “Vote. Now.”

  1. Jacqueline says:

    I have written so many posts in my head only to say: whatever, it doesn’t matter, no one will listen except people who already agree. Apathy, I has it. I can relate so, so well.

    Thank you. Just… yes, thank you.

  2. John P. says:

    I already did. Mail in ballots FTW!

  3. Leigh-Andrea Fernandes says:

    Well, we voted. And it seems that many of us DO think the Republicans could do a better job than Obama has done (not that he’s done very much except rant about the need for change and fart about hope).

    “The exit polls show that voters have become disillusioned with Democratic policy prescriptions for the most pressing political problems. Nearly three quarters of voters (74 percent) are dissatisfied or angry the way the federal government is working. More than six-out-of-10 voters (61 percent) think the country is off on the wrong track. And 51 percent of voters think Mr. Obama’s policies have hurt the country. Not surprisingly, sizable majorities of all these groups preferred Republican House candidates to their Democratic counterparts.

    Nowhere is this dissatisfaction more strongly felt than with Mr. Obama’s handling of the economy, the issue viewed as the most important facing the country by 62 percent of the midterm electorate.”

    I look forward to the day that Obama is no longer president.

    1. Veronica S. says:

      “Rant”? Seriously? When has Obama ever ranted? The man is preternaturally calm.

      The specter of the scary angry black man is enough to overcome reality, I see.

      1. Josh says:

        Also the flatulent black man and the indolent black man. He’s Huey Newton, Willie Best, and Dr. Klump all rolled into one! If Sarah Palin’s tweets tell us so, it must be true.

        God bless California, Colorado, Delaware, and Nevada for rejecting the haters.

    2. betsyl says:

      go check it out, leigh-andrea.

  4. Leigh-Andrea Fernandes says:

    I’ve seen that website; at the time, I laughed and thought, “Is that the best they can come up with?”

    Is everyone who doesn’t worship the “messiah” Obama a “hater” (that’s not even really a proper word)? I disagree with Obama’s policies and find that he demonizes anyone who doesn’t rely on welfare to support themselves (the people who actually keep this country running) – that makes me a “hater”?

    Obama does rant; he is self-righteous and spouts a lot of rhetoric (“Hope”, “Yes we can”, “Change”) that gullible people love to lap up. It’s fine for blacks to say, “We voted for him because he’s black” – but, golly, what would happen if a white person said “I voted for so-and-so because he’s white”? I shudder to imagine the repercussions. Obama supports anti-white discrimination; look at the Black Panthers case.

    1. Godheval says:

      …seriously? Anti-white discrimination? Have you… I just… You know what, nevermind.

      1. Leigh-Andrea Fernandes says:

        No comment about the Black Panthers getting away with voter intimidation?
        That’s right, continue ignoring discrimination against poor whites and Asians. It’s not discrimination if the victim isn’t black or a brown-skinned hispanic (hispanic people of mainly European origin are not even allowed to call themselves hispanic; those who are part hispanic but light-skinned like myself aren’t ever allowed to complain about racism). Any comment on the blacks and mestizos who beat up the interracial honor student couple? That wasn’t a result of hating whites and hating the idea that a black female could date a white male?

        1. Anne says:

          Well, I can definitely say that while I cannot speak for all white people I have never felt that Obama has ever done/said anything that would make me feel that he is against me even remotely based on my whiteness. Though, to the privileged, it might seem this way because their privilege may be disappearing (I hope) to make way for actual equality. Many men whine about women getting more power than them when in reality all that we’re after is equality–but equality means a lack of privilege, so someone has to lose that.

          And I am really really unaware of anti-white discrimination that he supposedly supports. It’s hard to discriminate against those who hold the default privilege in a country. Care to link to sources that prove this allegation?

          I am far from a worshiper of Obama, and there are issues that I disagree with him over. But it’s ridiculous to look at where we are now versus where we were two years ago and say we’re worse off because of him. The state of the economy was going in this direction for years before he came into office, and it’s not as though he can magically fix that in two years. But so far he has not started any wars, so that makes him a huge improvement in my book. We’ll see where we are in another two years. Right now I feel much better off than I did with Bush in office.

        2. The Angry Black Woman says:

          Leigh-Andrea, I have no idea where you came from, but I’m putting you on moderation for a bit until I’ve determined if you’re a troll or just in need of a teachable moment.

    2. brownstocking says:

      Wow, so…wow.

      You’ve got something on your fingers, you might want to wipe the privilege off of them, your keyboard is probably realllllllly sticky.

      You’re welcome.

    3. John says:

      If we’re gonna talk about racial bias in voting I would direct your attention to the ethnic composition of the office of the President of the United States:
      27 English
      2 English/Scottish
      2 English/Welsh
      4 Scottish
      1 Scottish/Irish
      2 Irish
      3 Dutch
      1 German
      1 African

      1, count ’em, *1* president has been of a an ethnicity that isn’t White or Western European. In fact only 5 don’t have ancestry leading back to the British Isles. Not only are people biased towards Whites but also specifically towards Western Europeans, and even more specifically towards British people (English/Scottish/Irish).

      And then look at the ethnic composition of the U.S. Senate:
      97 White
      1 Hawaiian/Chinese
      1 Black
      1 Asian
      So in a nation where 12% of the population is Black 1% of the Senate is Black. Heck most major racial groups in the United States don’t even have anyone in the Senate.

      I mean seriously, only one current Senator is Black and only one President at any point in American history is also Black.

      –White’s aren’t the oppressed, they are the ethnic and political majority by a long shot.–

  5. Sunny says:

    Who is this person vomiting every square on the racist bingo card and why are they still posting to this site?

    1. The Angry Black Woman says:

      That is a good question. Let me fix that….

  6. Godheval says:

    I have to disagree with the contention that not voting has to come out of apathy. I’ll spare you my 20 reasons for not voting here in the comments, but please feel free to check out some of the legitimate reasons people may have for not doing so.

    To sum it up rather simply here, the right to vote is only a right insofar as I am presented with candidates I support. While Leigh-Andrea is on a rather ridiculous bent, I have my own qualms with Obama, and more so with the ever-conceding Democrats and their betrayal of the left. Actually, betrayal is unfair, because it presumes that they ever had a truly left-wing agenda. They did and do not – that much is clear in their reneging on single-payer healthcare, and letting an insurance company lobbyist slash former VP write the legislation.

    I just can’t throw my support behind the lesser of two evils anymore. But what you say about “going out and doing something about it” – yeah, that’s about the most sound advice there is. I’m starting to make my moves on a local level.

  7. John Macadam says:

    I am not an american and so can only give a British view of your political system.

    Its seems to me that the political culture is conservative in the USA. It is much further to the right than European politics. So democrats who are supposedly left wing in the US would be right of centre everywhere else in Europe. This may be a product of history and the development of the country and its social / economic beliefs about “making it on your own”.

    The price for having a quite dynamic economic system is that you can’t have left wing ideals or enact them.

    I’m quite right wing, pro business, but socially liberal British person, but even for me socialist isn’t an insult, its a description of someone who believes in the political and economics ideas of socialisim. The idea for Europeans on both sides of the political spectrum that everyone doesn’t have a right to high quality healthcare regardless of money is ridiculous. Whether is supplies by a single supplied of care like the NHS in the UK or a mixture of public and private systems in Europe is subordinate to this belief ( for example)

    What I’m trying to say in a round about way is that it seems from outside is that the US will never develop the kind of political / economic structures that many democrats want, the way your country, businesses, even unions have eveloped will always prevent this.

    O and the creating a deficit in a recession via fiscal expansion is generally accepted as perfectly appropriate Keynesian economics (the reason the UK is slashing spending is that our deficit is structural and not cyclical i.e. even when times are good the deficit will not go down very far)

  8. John P. says:

    No, we can have a Health Care system that protects everyone in the US. People use to say that having our fire departments run by the government was a bad idea.
    But now fire departments are run by city and county government. This is the norm, no one on either side seriously thinks this is bad.

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