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Write-A-Thon on the Horizon

Just a reminder that the Clarion West Write-a-thon is about to get underway. You can still sponsor me if you wish to! It works like a marathon except instead of sponsoring me by mile you’ll sponsor me by week. I plan to write 4 stories and revise 2, making 6 stories total by the end of 6 weeks.

You can sponsor me for any amount you’re comfortable with. $1/week, $10/week, $50/week, whatever. I’m also offering fabulous prizes for those who sponsor at specific levels: Anyone who sponsors me for $15/week or more gets to see all of the stories I’m writing/revising once I’m done. I’ll email them to you or I’ll show you the secret place I post works in progress online. If you sponsor me for $50/week, I’ll name a character or a place in one of these stories after you. I’m crap at coming up with names, so you’d be helping me out, really. If you get on board with $100/week or more, I’ll send you a signed copy of the latest anthology I’m in, Interfictions. To claim these fabulous prizes ;), let me know at which level you’ve donated and I’ll keep you on record.

The money doesn’t go to me, of course. It goes to the Clarion West writing workshop and the Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund. The default is that half of the money folks donate will go to the workshop and the other half will go to the scholarship. Both of these entities are non-profit, so your donations are tax deductible. If you’d like your donation to go exclusively to one or the other, please email and let me know. If you’re happy with the 50/50 split, please visit my pledge page to donate online. More comfortable sending a check in the mail? Email and I’ll provide you with the address/instructions.

And now, to the writing. Wish me luck!

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5 thoughts on “Write-A-Thon on the Horizon”

  1. Maguel says:

    This blog is dumb…you have nothing intelligent to say

  2. Angel H. says:

    ^^Says the man who wakes up past midnight just to troll on other people blogs.

  3. the angry black woman says:

    … yeah, what Angel said.

  4. Pingback: Write-a-thon: All Done! « The Angry Black Woman
  5. Trackback: Write-a-thon: All Done! « The Angry Black Woman
  6. Januaries says:

    Wow! I wish I’d found your blog earlier.

    The idea sounds very cool and it’s a wonderful way for promoting science fiction and literary scholarship.

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