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Check Out The Global Women in SF Round Table On The WorldSF Blog

Check Out The Global Women in SF Round Table On The WorldSF Blog:


Following Singaporean author Joyce Chng’s post “We Don’t Even Factor At All”, she, Aliette de Bodard (France), Csilla Kleinheincz (Hungary), Kate Elliott (US), Karen Lord (Barbados), and Ekaterina Sedia (Russia/US) discuss the state of the genre for women.

Some highlights:

Csilla Kleinheincz: “Many of the women who write SFF in Hungary are not even published and have to turn to POD or self-publishing, and not because of the lack of talent. Before being recognized as part of world SF they need to be recognized in their own country, hardships that those who have the privilege of being men or US citizens or native speakers are not aware of.”

Karen Lord: “Let’s assume, purely for the sake of argument, that women are inclined (nature or culture?) to write and to enjoy a certain type of fiction. Is there a hint of judgement attached, that the male-dominated subgenres are, if not more lucrative, more prestigious? More likely to be ‘true’ sci-fi? I have a vague impression, completely unsupported, that more women write speculative fiction that crosses from genre into literary (there’s another arbitrary boundary with value judgements attached). Do male writers who produce soft, near-literary sci-fi find themselves overlooked when it comes to awards and mentions from genre reviewers?”

Ekaterina Sedia: “I feel like I’ve been banging my head against the wall with this topic — the one-way street of SF, where English-language works get translated all over the world, while the reverse is not true. While we can talk about English being an equalizer language (as Csilla mentioned), it also works as an effective tool of exclusion: it is so dominant that the expectation is for the rest of the world to speak English, not to try and understand them. And even foreign writers who DO write in English are by no means on the level playing field with the native speakers: there is a pressure to write in one milieu, there’s a tendency of editors to assume that every non-standard usage is a mistake, there are not-so-subtle hints that maybe one didn’t write one’s books, etc etc.”

Click here to go to WorldSF and read, read, read. Excellent stuff.

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2 thoughts on “Check Out The Global Women in SF Round Table On The WorldSF Blog”

  1. Sam says:

    Hey check out the winners of the Google Science Fair:

  2. NancyP says:

    Thank you, from a feminist and sadly monolingual SFF reader who tries to find translated non-English language SFF.

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