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Tag Archives: Election

Election Day 2008

I voted. Have you? No matter who you’re voting for, it’s important to vote. Exercise your right. Open Thread on election stuff! In the comments you can post any election news, let us know what it’s like for you locally, or share an election story.

Change or Die

Posted by: Karnythia Students march 7 miles to vote in Waller County Texas. I had a vague plan to write about the Democratic candidates and the idea of “In our lifetime” and what it means to women (of all races) as well as what it

Are Women or Blacks More Disadvantaged?

Posted by: Steven Barnes Recently, a question has been bandied about the airwaves and internet. Which causes more pain: Being black or being female? There is only one group who can answer that question, and I’m not a member. Only African-American women have personal experience

Feminism still isn’t for black women

So Obama has been cleaning up in this week’s batch of primaries and caucuses and he seems to be set to go into the convention later this summer a real contender for the nomination. Which is great news if you want him to be President,

Why this bitch is losing my voice…

Posted by: Shark-Fu BlackDiggThis A bitch is beyond excited to be guest posting here in the land of The Angry Black Woman…even though it will do nothing to dispel those rumors that we are the same angry black person (wink). Shall we? The other night

Skin, Bits, Issues, and Voting

Posted by: Karnythia So I have to confess that I was really hoping a front runner for the Democrats would emerge on Super Tuesday solely because then I could stop hearing pundits discuss whether I was voting with my vagina or the skin that covers

Why I Don’t Like To Admit That I Support Obama

Posted by: Naamen Gobert Tilahun [digg=]It’s because I’m black. See when I admit that I support Obama, people (mostly white) get this look on their face and that’s the end the conversation. They don’t ask why, they don’t start a dialogue, there’s just this look.