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Category Archives: Race

Angry on the Radio

I’m going to be on the JV & Elvis show (92.3FM in NYC, around 9AM) this morning discussing race, I guess. (or this thing) I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen. however, I have a feeling that it will be a good time for

The Race Card

From the tone of this blog you may have guessed that I often get into heated discussions about race all over the internet. It’s true, I admit it. I am angry in many and varied forms. 98% of these discussions devolve quickly due to people’s

Angry Black Woman in the making

This will not be news to most of you. I’m just reposting the poem here for posterity. You go, Autum Ashante. You get angry, you stay black. White Nationalism Put U In BondageWhite nationalism is what put you in bondage Pirate and vampires like Columbus,

Why is the Universe full of White people?

Welcome, people from reddit. Before you comment on this post, may I direct you to the top of the page where the “Rules of Engagement” are linked? I suggest you read that page very carefully. You also might want to check out the Required Reading