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Category Archives: In the Blogosphere

Dear City of Boston

Dear Mayor Thomas M. Menino of Boston, Police Commissioner Edward Davis, and Governor Deval Patrick, In regards to yesterday’s ‘bomb scare’ and the subsequent revelation that the suspicious devices were merely an ad campaign for Adult Swim: It’s barely been 24 hours since this all

Teh Awesome

That link to the Hair Petting Game is making the rounds of the blogs as people collectively go “WTF!!  Why isn’t someone smacking them?”  The fun thing for me is that there have been at least three discussions where someone brings up the fact that

What the hell happened to ABW?

Uh… life? Sickness, laziness, the holidays, travel, more sickness, more holidays, work, family, stuff. I’m back. Sorry! Also going to clean up the ocmments this week. Jesus, you leave for 4 months and it all falls apart. What kicked me into posting again? This: New

Wednesday Links

The winners of the 2006 Black Weblog Awards were announced not too long ago. If you’re interested in what’s hot on the black blogosphere, you should check out the list of finalists and winners. Glad to see blackfolk won for best community! Speaking of, found

Sexism, Racism, Dogs.

Is my beloved Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, a sexist? Is he about to make me angry? Say it ain’t so! I took a weird set of turns getting here, so follow closely. NY Times Mark Derr writes an opinion piece about Milan and his dog/owner

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Last week I took my life into my own hands, got on a plane, and went all the way to California to attend the World Science Fiction Convention, known to those in the know as WorldCon. I’ve mentioned before that I’m an SF/F fan and

How to Suppress Discussions of Racism

The brilliant LJer coffeeandink authord a brilliant article called “How to Suppress Discussions of Racism” in the tradition of How to Suppress Women’s Writing (which you should also read). Tired of discussions of racism in literature, television, and film? Worn out from the unexpected criticism

Why Ken Lay Is Not Like Martin Luther King

I read this today and nearly spit coffee on my keyboard: The Reverend Dr. Bill Lawson compared Lay with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus Christ, and said his name would eventually be cleared. “He was taken out of the world right

John McWhorter, What is Wrong With You?

Hey kids, remember John McWhorter, the shufflingest shuffler that ever shuffled? He’s still shuffling. blac(k)ademic caught him on CNN last month and… it wasn’t pretty: i turned on my television yesterday and came across your two hour talk on cnn, where you were promoting your