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Category Archives: Sexism

My life is not your life

So, I’m looking at some of the comments and emails that are flooding my inbox demanding to know all the inner workings of my life when I had the abortion that saved my life. And I know I don’t owe anyone an explanation, but there

Abortion Saved My Life

So, there’s this lawmaker out of Kansas who has lots to say about abortion. He’s currently best known for saying that women should plan ahead in case of rape and not expect their regular insurance to cover an abortion if they want one after being

Good Guys: An Appreciation

The other night I was hanging out with a (male) friend and some of his (male) friends, one of whom I’ve met before but don’t know that well. Let’s call him “Terry”. I was telling them this story of my adventures on the subway a

linkspam: Why didn’t you call the police? Part One

TRIGGER WARNING NO VICTIM BLAMING IN THE COMMENTS OR YOU WILL BE BANNED. WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE. AND MALICE AFORETHOUGHT. I HAVE. NO. PATIENCE. PERIOD. you have been warned. Because you cannot trust them. No really. Of course, not all of them do that. But how

Linkspam : Short and Sweet

There is an astonishing amount to read at these links, so there won’t be a lot: Blogging against Disabilism Day 2010 Just read everything. No really. Read everything. And then the BP Spill pulls up news about how Western thirst for oil plays out in