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Category Archives: Angry in General

Why Young Muslim Men are Angry

A couple of weekends ago I was watching CNN’s new show called CNN: Special Investigations Unit. It seems like any other special report they do, but somehow it’s different and special now. Good thing they chose my girl Christiane Amanpour to do the first one,

We Will Not Be Silent in any language

An arab man (Raed Jarrar) was hassled at JFK airport for wearing a shirt with Arabic script on it. Because, as well all know, all Arabic script translates into: “All your airplane are belong to us. Someone set us up the bomb.” While I am

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Last week I took my life into my own hands, got on a plane, and went all the way to California to attend the World Science Fiction Convention, known to those in the know as WorldCon. I’ve mentioned before that I’m an SF/F fan and

Wednesday Link Extravaganza

Many times I come across articles or discussions that i’d like to point to, but don’t want to clutter up the blog with one every five minutes. Instead, I’m going to do twice-weekly link roundups. If I find I need to, it’ll be daily (say

Why Ken Lay Is Not Like Martin Luther King

I read this today and nearly spit coffee on my keyboard: The Reverend Dr. Bill Lawson compared Lay with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus Christ, and said his name would eventually be cleared. “He was taken out of the world right