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Category Archives: Angry in General

Sexism, Chivalry, and POC communities

So one of the things that’s been working my nerves this election cycle has been the rush to paint every single bit of language uttered by Obama that could be gendered as proof of his being sexist. The furor over the word periodically was wacky

Allies Talking

I’ve been thinking about many things since the whole “Thank You, White People” post debacle and subsequent influx of white supremacists who seemed to come here with the intent of saying, “You thought you dealt with racists on a daily basis? HA! We’ll show you

What is this “protection” of which you speak?

“Sexual assaults are frequent, and frequently ignored, in the armed services.” I have this insane urge to email Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA)and say “Duh!” This is old old news, but every few years someone rediscovers the reality that rapists join the military and we get

The Strong Woman* & Emasculated Man

Posted by: Naamen Gobert Tilahun The nicknames are endless, bitch, ballbuster, battleaxe, ballcutter, … all of these are used in reference to a strong woman. When confronted with a woman who exudes strength the automatic reaction of some men is to fall into the whole

Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees…

Posted by: Shark-Fu [digg=] In remembrance of those who lost their life due to the violent hatred of others. Strange Fruit was written by Lewis Allen and made famous by the fantabulous Billie Holliday. Breathe in…exhale…begin. Enough. Southern trees bear strange fruit. That’s right, I

Again, Why I’m Angry

Benazir Bhutto assassinated Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated Thursday in the wake of a suicide bombing that killed at least 14 of her supporters, doctors, a spokesman for her party and other officials said. Bhutto suffered bullet wounds in the aftermath of

Doing Something About Racism

I’m still mulling over my post about what people can do to help eliminate racism. It’s a good question, but a very involved one. I want to make sure I get it right. But one thing I do want to discuss is something that comes

New York, One Hell of a Town

I’ve lived in New York off and on for almost 11 years and I’m very lucky in that I’ve never been mugged, maimed, or had someone break into my apartment. However, today I had someone steal something from me for the first time. I was

I say again: You wonder why I am angry…

So for the past couple of weeks I’ve been dealing with the discussion around diversity in SF/F whether it be racial or gender or whatnot. And I’ve had a lot of positive feedback online. But, of course, there were the inevitable asshats who trotted over