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Category Archives: Angry at the Media

Why this bitch is losing my voice…

Posted by: Shark-Fu BlackDiggThis A bitch is beyond excited to be guest posting here in the land of The Angry Black Woman…even though it will do nothing to dispel those rumors that we are the same angry black person (wink). Shall we? The other night

Skin, Bits, Issues, and Voting

Posted by: Karnythia So I have to confess that I was really hoping a front runner for the Democrats would emerge on Super Tuesday solely because then I could stop hearing pundits discuss whether I was voting with my vagina or the skin that covers

Which came first, my uterus or my skin?

Lots of bloggers have been commenting on Gloria Steinem’s opinion article in the NYTimes a few days back. I can’t comment on it; I’m too angry. But the rest o’ ya’ll? Feel free. =) 1/16 edit: Looks like the politicians, amazingly, are trying to be

On the passing of Ike Turner

Ike Turner is gone. Predictably, people can’t stop talking about That Movie and about Tina. One thing I keep hearing is that, though Ike was a great musician and pioneer, all people can talk about is his abusive nature and drug habit. What a shame

It’s Pledge Time Again

Because of the nature of my various day jobs, I spend most of my day in front of a computer. Sometimes I play music while I work, but most of the day I have various NPR stations going in the background. Between my local station,

Media, Woe

Over on RaceWire, Jonathan Adams posted the casting call for Beyonce’s new AMEX commercial. It’s worth reproducing here in full: Seeking, Principles: [BEYONCE’S ASSISTANT ] Female / Caucasian / 30-34 Real people types. Non commercial. She is smart, sharp and efficient. Rate: Sag Scale [

The Jena Six

Six young black men are headed for 20+ year prison sentences in a clear case of Jim Crow “justice.” Their families are fighting but need our support. Will you stand with them? A lot of bloggers in the Black Blogosphere have posted about the Jena

What the hell is wrong with i-D Magazine?

You’ve all seen American Apparel ads, haven’t you? The ones with the skimpy girls lolling about because they haven’t eaten in days and expended the last of their energy shaving their pits and pubes? The company owned by the guy with questionable morals and crappy