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Category Archives: Angry at the Media

The myth of atheists being “less” than religious people

The Linkmistress would like to interrupt her regular linkspams to bring you an actual blog. With words. As usual, civility is requested and will be enforced. Iron fist, velvet glove etc. crossposted. The following critique is based on the media I have consumed and the

Evaluating the Outrageous

Adviser for Americans arrested in Haiti suspected of Child Trafficking in El Salvador. So am I supposed to believe they just happened to find someone connected to human trafficking and hired him? Don’t answer that. In other “I hate the world” news this shit right

Race, Gender, and the Oppressive Public Gaze…

I’ve been struggling with writing this post for some time now. On the one hand there are things I feel need to be said about the treatment of Caster Semenya (especially in light of the news that she has been placed under a suicide watch),

The Thing Not Being Said

…about all this “birther” crap, in which fine upstanding folk who are legitimate natural-born citizens of this fine country (the US of A, because we’re all from it or want to be from it, of course) incessantly and illogically question the fact that our president

Dear Hollywood, Gypsy Curses? NOT Okay.

About a week ago I read a review for the new Sam Raimi horror flick Drag Me To Hell. The description offered went something like: Christine Brown is  a loan officer at a bank. When she refuses to give an old Gypsy woman an extention

Ordinary Heroes

Heard about this through the Carl Brandon mailing list: While the facts surrounding the kidnapping and rescue of the Maersk Alabama Captain Richard Phillips have been widely reported, less well-known is that ship which saved him was commanded by a black woman, Rear Admiral Michelle

Return of the revenge of the daughter of the Welfare Queen

I’ve been following this whole octuplet controversy with mixed feelings. A part of me very much groks the anger being directed at Nadya Suleman. No single person can give 14 children the care and attention they all need; hell, I’m not sure a couple could

That Wholesome Disney Image

Hey, kids! Wanna know what your role model, Miley Cyrus, does in her spare time? Um. Yeahno. What they said. Oh, and don’t read the comments at TMZ. We PoC need to watch our stress levels. No, seriously, don’t.