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Category Archives: Angry at Politicians

The Thing Not Being Said

…about all this “birther” crap, in which fine upstanding folk who are legitimate natural-born citizens of this fine country (the US of A, because we’re all from it or want to be from it, of course) incessantly and illogically question the fact that our president

Iran and American Imperialism

I haven’t said anything about the situation in Iran, mostly because I don’t feel qualified to speak about it. I’m watching it, though, following the Twitter feeds obsessively and learning as much as I can about Iran’s history. I’ve been finding fellow blogger Richard Jeffrey

The subtext of McCain’s anger

The talk today in the blogosphere is all about last night’s debate — who won, who lost, who discreetly scratched his ass, whatever. There’s a good bit of discussion going about already on the issue of McCain’s factual gaffes and his infuriating appropriation of the

$700 Billion & Counting

So this plan to buy up all this bad debt from big business with taxpayer cash and thus let the government “fix” the economy is not making any sense to me. Mind you, I’m not alone in thinking that a no oversight plan is a

Palin…the hits just keep on coming

So I assume many of the readers of this blog have seen the reports that Gov. Palin has an abysmal stance on the environment. A few more people may have seen that under Palin’s leadership (and possibly prior to her leadership, the date this policy

Biden? Wait, BIDEN?!

Biden? Biden of: -“the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean” fame? and -“You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. Oh, I’m not joking.” and -Who didn’t even realize that his own

Hillary’s behavior has left me speechless

Hillary raises RFK assasination as a defense for extended race. When I said this woman could kiss my ass? I was being too polite. It’s ugly enough that she said this shit, but to say it the week Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with a brain