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Daily Archives: April 29, 2011

WisCon 35 – Yes, I Will Be There

Heading to WisCon in a month, despite the earlier unpleasantness. Actually, because of it, in some part. Perhaps more on that later. In the meantime, two bits of information for you: I’m heading up the POC Safer Space at the con and attempting to make

Networking Socially

Just noticed that there are now over 900 people who “Like” the Angry Black Woman on Facebook. Hooray! And apparently we have over 1,200 followers on Twitter. Also yay! I have not yet counted who’s currently following on Tumblr. Anyway, now that we’ve had a

Dude, Fandom Never Forgets

Dude, Fandom Never Forgets…




[Picture: Background — a six piece pie style colour split, alternating black and grey. Foreground — a picture of an armadillo. Top text: “ [Refu…