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AngryBlackBitch on using cosmetic surgery to stop bullying

AngryBlackBitch on using cosmetic surgery to stop bullying:

I understand the attraction of cosmetic surgery as a solution to your child getting teased about their ears.  It’s gotta be hard to see your child miserable because of something like how their ears are positioned on their head.

But cosmetic surgery isn’t the solution to bullying.

We need to shift our thinking on this shit.  We need to focus on the bully and ask ourselves why they aren’t being asked to change.  And we need to deal with the fact that bullies will bully until bullies are taught not to bully.

Eventually the bully will move on to something that isn’t changeable…to something that isn’t fixable through an expensive surgery and painful recovery.

Because bullies bully until bullies are taught not to bully.

Read it all.

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